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training lurchers

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could anyone tell me how to train my lurcher to catch rabits? I ve jut recued a 2 year old male colliexgrayhound, i ve had him since this friday and im worried if i let him off he will leggg it and not come back. i want to work him and hes very quick off the mark. he seems to want to hunt anything that runs as he nearly got the cat yesterday. How manny miles do they need to be walked a day? Im walking him about 10 at the min is tha to much? I would welcome any advive

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id work on forming bond with dog first keeping it on lead walk it through livestock whilst on lead to check he is stock broken if he shows an unhealthy interest chances are he isnt which will need putting right before working him do you know anything bout dog history at all

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Guest deerhound hunter

as for takeing him out lamping,i would say not yet try and get a bond with the dog get him 2 trust you with him been a rescue dog he will very insure a bout his self,as for walking him 10 mile aday he proberly car,nt be bothered 2 do any lamping at this point you just want 2 start him lighty with a bit road walking 2or 3 miles aday try and work on basic stuff like recall and just get him 2 take notice of you ,just try and not rush the dog ,with all rescue and dogs and older dogs you buy you do,nt no their backgound so patient is the main key,hope i,ve been a little help as we all now and again....good luck......dh

Edited by deerhound hunter
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As above, just "get to know" each other first for a month or so. Plenty of fuss and talking to him in your best "baby" voice. You gotta do that before you let him off the lead or he could well decide he dont feel like coming back. Then i would get him into an enclosed area somewhere where he cant get away (a tennis court etc) and take the lead off, have a bit of a run and a play then call him back to you. If he comes great, plenty of fuss etc. If he dont come, keep working on your bond.

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