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Breeding questions

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My mate has an impeccably bred terrier dog.He's 13 and still grafting.I have a 6 year old bitch,very hard but learned discretion after 3rd season.Prob is her breaks are very irregular and I'm going to bring her to vet to get a jag to bring her in.

Has anyone ever used this jag and how effective is it and what are the pros and cons of using this method of bringing her in by this jag?

Vet says it can leave them irregular but she can't be anymore irregular than she is.Bitch is best animal I've owned and the dog is very good according to all who have dug him.

Thanks for any help S

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This is my only my opinion. Firstly let nature take its course, u say her break is irregular so she does break, so just wait a little. Secondly use that waitin time to get to know the dog u intend to use as stud, he may have traits u may not like. Any lad willing to give u the stud of his dog is willing to show u his working ability..

..... Pa

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This is my only my opinion. Firstly let nature take its course, u say her break is irregular so she does break, so just wait a little. Secondly use that waitin time to get to know the dog u intend to use as stud, he may have traits u may not like. Any lad willing to give u the stud of his dog is willing to show u his working ability..

..... Pa


Well said :thumbs:

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This is my only my opinion. Firstly let nature take its course, u say her break is irregular so she does break, so just wait a little. Secondly use that waitin time to get to know the dog u intend to use as stud, he may have traits u may not like. Any lad willing to give u the stud of his dog is willing to show u his working ability..

..... Pa


Well said :thumbs:



Should have made myself clearer.lots of great experienced terriermen have dug this dog and he's in the top 90% of dogs they ve dug.he's 13 and time is nt on our side here.I know enough about dog and breeding to know what I want.I've been digging 16 years and am aware of breeding a dog I ve never dug to.there's no question on the dogs ability but I'm concerned on my bitch getting the jag.Any help from lads who have used the jag in question.thanks again S

ps if the dog was younger I would wait but time is nt on our side here.

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I hear what ur sayin, i have used an operation on greyhound bitch that never came in season, it was successful.. But that jab is very hit n miss.. If the dog is that good n valuable why not take siemen from him, results show that AI is more successful as natural mating when done correctly.. Good luck wit whatever route u take..

..... Pa

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ive had quite alot to do with AI, its not a easy as it would appear or made out to be. you would have to see a well renowned specialist and if you r not their mate their not cheap :thumbs:


i would say try it, i did it once and it wasn't successful but the few vets i asked about seem ok by it, natural way is fine, you could try kenneling her with in heat bitches etc till she comes in, but sometimes it just dosent happen.

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