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well folks

as i missed out on the meet and shooting with si and a good few others i have came up with a nice offer to my friends on here :thumbs:

as you know i have just got some land which looks like its going to make a good shoot well here goes i have spoken to redeye jedi (dom) and asked him if he would like to come for a shoot somewhere different and he agreed to come over plus a top bloke he is as well as i was looking for some netting (camo) and he offered me a load for free very nice of him to do so :thumbs: plus i have been in touch with a new'ish lad on here call aron who only lives down the road from me and i have offered him the same so i only think it's fare to offer this to my friends on here to i have left a msg for si as well plus if you can get down this way or up this way please feel free to give me a pm for more details and some of you already have my number so please give me a txt to let me know if you would like a change :thumbs: now i know everyone likes his airguns but if you would like a change and try out a shotgun then your more than welcome :thumbs: plus i have spoken to another lad on here called camokid (andy) who again dosent live that far from me either so he has the offer to.

so if your are up for a bit of a shoot then please get in touch as alot of you on here have helped me a hell of a lot (gary) helped me and gave me advise on how to start my pest control company up and gave me advise on every phone i made he even post it on here when i had my exams to great bloke and good friend again si on here to helped me and my son again great bloke davy to helped me and sent me ir stuff to help out plus tony helped me and built my website bill helped me by getting the screw stud for me when i got my hw100kt just to name a few these people i class as friends and a lot more on here to you have all helped me in one way or another

so as a thank you i put this land out to offer you all a chance to pop down or up to have a shoot :thumbs:


again i just wanted to say thank you lads for all your help :thumbs::notworthy:



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well folks

as i missed out on the meet and shooting with si and a good few others i have came up with a nice offer to my friends on here :thumbs:

as you know i have just got some land which looks like its going to make a good shoot well here goes i have spoken to redeye jedi (dom) and asked him if he would like to come for a shoot somewhere different and he agreed to come over plus a top bloke he is as well as i was looking for some netting (camo) and he offered me a load for free very nice of him to do so :thumbs: plus i have been in touch with a new'ish lad on here call aron who only lives down the road from me and i have offered him the same so i only think it's fare to offer this to my friends on here to i have left a msg for si as well plus if you can get down this way or up this way please feel free to give me a pm for more details and some of you already have my number so please give me a txt to let me know if you would like a change :thumbs: now i know everyone likes his airguns but if you would like a change and try out a shotgun then your more than welcome :thumbs: plus i have spoken to another lad on here called camokid (andy) who again dosent live that far from me either so he has the offer to.

so if your are up for a bit of a shoot then please get in touch as alot of you on here have helped me a hell of a lot (gary) helped me and gave me advise on how to start my pest control company up and gave me advise on every phone i made he even post it on here when i had my exams to great bloke and good friend again si on here to helped me and my son again great bloke davy to helped me and sent me ir stuff to help out plus tony helped me and built my website bill helped me by getting the screw stud for me when i got my hw100kt just to name a few these people i class as friends and a lot more on here to you have all helped me in one way or another

so as a thank you i put this land out to offer you all a chance to pop down or up to have a shoot :thumbs:


again i just wanted to say thank you lads for all your help :thumbs::notworthy:




Sounds like a cracking idea shay mate :thumbs: PM inbound.

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Thanks for your kind words and the offer :notworthy: :notworthy:


I'd love to come and meet you and shoot with you, I'd be honoured :yes:


The offer of the use of a shottie is tooo good to pass up :yes: so its with great disbeliefe I have to say "I can't make it.....YET"

I had a word with Gemma (my solicitor) today and it don't look like things are going to be moving on for me for at least the next few months GrRRRRRR :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: :wallbash:So I'm still stuck here at home in limbo :cry:


Si & Laura have asked me to go visit them in Germany just after Xmas, so all my effort at the moment is going towards trying to get some spending money whilst over with them. I'm going to be selling my pride and joy telescope on ebay soon and I know I won't get anywhere near what its worth :thumbdown: same with a whole load of other stuff, including my HW70 and my ASI Sniper etc..

But if theres anything left after that, COUNT ME IN :gunsmilie:



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hi shay

i will be up for a visit and shoot buddy :thumbs:

why not make it a mini meet? with friends of here!

with a small comp,we have all the kit for a hft comp if ya interested,all the ginggangoolie camp fire stuff too! oh! and the banter i can bring that too lol





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hi ya tony pal

well buddy the offer is always there for ya matey your always more than welcome pal anytime you want to come over all you need to do is txt me matey :thumbs:


davy pal

sounds like a great idea buddy on my next for off i have to go up there to see him anyway and i will put it to him i cant see him saying no as he is a true gent we even have a nice river running through it for the geese to land in so some heavy shot and a couple of shotties will be on the ready to matey.

but davy pal no nodding off though lol i will no more after talking to him next week and i'll give ya a call or pm to let you know what has been said but so far it's sounding fantastic and it would make a great weekend to :thumbs:


stealthy pal

like i said matey this is to all my friends and your more than welcome to come over anytime matey :thumbs:



dom buddy

got your pm matey and the idea of the tents would be great pal and an extra pair of hands as well thank you for the offer to help out

davy has a good bit of kit to so it would all come together pretty well so after my 4 days at work i will have a chat with the owner and see what he says but i cant see any problem with it as long as we dont shoot his livestock he will be fine i think and we could always offer a small donation to him for the time on his land davy has come up with the idea of a small meet so that would be great hey dom :thumbs:



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hi ya tony pal

well buddy the offer is always there for ya matey your always more than welcome pal anytime you want to come over all you need to do is txt me matey :thumbs:


davy pal

sounds like a great idea buddy on my next for off i have to go up there to see him anyway and i will put it to him i cant see him saying no as he is a true gent we even have a nice river running through it for the geese to land in so some heavy shot and a couple of shotties will be on the ready to matey.

but davy pal no nodding off though lol i will no more after talking to him next week and i'll give ya a call or pm to let you know what has been said but so far it's sounding fantastic and it would make a great weekend to :thumbs:


stealthy pal

like i said matey this is to all my friends and your more than welcome to come over anytime matey :thumbs:



dom buddy

got your pm matey and the idea of the tents would be great pal and an extra pair of hands as well thank you for the offer to help out

davy has a good bit of kit to so it would all come together pretty well so after my 4 days at work i will have a chat with the owner and see what he says but i cant see any problem with it as long as we dont shoot his livestock he will be fine i think and we could always offer a small donation to him for the time on his land davy has come up with the idea of a small meet so that would be great hey dom :thumbs:




Sounds like a fantastic idea mate. :yes::thumbs::thumbs:

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hi ya dom

i think your right buddy

i will get onto it asap on my 4 days off then get in touch with davy as well and we should have a great mini meet to look forward to and it's my birthday on the 27 of october too so it will give me something to look forward to as well :thumbs:



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well folks

as i missed out on the meet and shooting with si and a good few others i have came up with a nice offer to my friends on here :thumbs:

as you know i have just got some land which looks like its going to make a good shoot well here goes i have spoken to redeye jedi (dom) and asked him if he would like to come for a shoot somewhere different and he agreed to come over plus a top bloke he is as well as i was looking for some netting (camo) and he offered me a load for free very nice of him to do so :thumbs: plus i have been in touch with a new'ish lad on here call aron who only lives down the road from me and i have offered him the same so i only think it's fare to offer this to my friends on here to i have left a msg for si as well plus if you can get down this way or up this way please feel free to give me a pm for more details and some of you already have my number so please give me a txt to let me know if you would like a change :thumbs: now i know everyone likes his airguns but if you would like a change and try out a shotgun then your more than welcome :thumbs: plus i have spoken to another lad on here called camokid (andy) who again dosent live that far from me either so he has the offer to.

so if your are up for a bit of a shoot then please get in touch as alot of you on here have helped me a hell of a lot (gary) helped me and gave me advise on how to start my pest control company up and gave me advise on every phone i made he even post it on here when i had my exams to great bloke and good friend again si on here to helped me and my son again great bloke davy to helped me and sent me ir stuff to help out plus tony helped me and built my website bill helped me by getting the screw stud for me when i got my hw100kt just to name a few these people i class as friends and a lot more on here to you have all helped me in one way or another

so as a thank you i put this land out to offer you all a chance to pop down or up to have a shoot :thumbs:


again i just wanted to say thank you lads for all your help :thumbs::notworthy:



would love to come and have a shot with you. me and my 17 year old son if that ok, we shot or ferreted most the rabbitt on are permisions. we both very safe with guns been shooting since i was about 6. not far from you only in tamworth, just up A5 from you. thanks jocky/keith.

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Hi Shay,


Thats very kind of you buddy to offer to share your new permission with other regulars on here.


I got your PM mate cheers and will defo take you up on this offer at Christmas if thats ok?


Im over on the 18th Dec :boogie: Cant wait as i havent shot a bunny now since July :wallbash:


Im that desparate im contemplating buying one from a pet shop and shooting that LOL :laugh::doh: (Joke anties reading this post).


I would love to attend a Summer meet if you could get one up and running for next year buddy.


Im hoping to get posted back to the UK in April so meets wont be a problem :no: .


Im going to get some permission myself then too so will invite guys up for a meet at mine if the land owner agrees :yes:


Anyway ATB



Edited by zini
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hi ya jocky/keith

your more than welcome buddy all you will need is your insurance :thumbs:

and it will be nice to see new people out on my permission and enjoying them selfs


hi ya si pal

that sounds good to me matey december is fine matey as i get 4 on and 4 off shifts so we can work it around that matey :thumbs:

well buddy like i said your always more than welcome matey and a summer meet will be great davy has been in touch too so we can sort out the HFT bits and the camp fire gibbagabba as davy says lol so that will be good get rob as well to come down as he is in nott's so it should be a nice meet plus some hunting to :thumbs:

and yeah i thought it would be a nice offer as i have missed out on so much not being able to go to the other meets i thought bringing everyone here would be a nice way to say thank you for everyones help in the past :thumbs:


darryl pal

you and gary are always welcome pal anytime and yeah i will get you plenty of notice before the meet matey dont worry about that as i want everyone to turn up :thumbs:

plus the place has a very nice and big rookery which i will get some pictures of for everyone to see as that i might nice to use for the HFT shoot to :thumbs:


bill me old pal

i got your pm matey and i pm'd you back buddy like the pm says buddy the offer is always open to ya anytime :thumbs:


and again thank you to you all again and i look forward to meeting you all soon

i will speak to davy next week about bits and bob's then we can go from there :thumbs:



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