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Anyone reccomend any good places to go

Guest vin

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I have said this before...but i've been all over trying to get some sport for my little beddyX .

I cant seem to find any..all the old spots are empty..too many foxes and air gunners.

But tonight I took a chance and drove 70 miles from home and went to a place on the authority of another member off this site that i was going to a place where the bunnies were abundant,and it was'nt too hot for trouble with keepers etc etc.

The directions and descriptions were correct,BUT there was,nt many bunnies. I had a very long walk up a big hill and saw ferk all.

managed 1 run on the way out of the area..but missed that.No sitters.no keepers,because there's nowt to keep.


I'm hoping I was in the wrong place and Rabbit paradise is somewhere near where I was..So maybe I will go in the daytime and have a better look around the area.. I did do a good long google maps on the area and did all the angles and thought I was in the right place...maybe not.


Moral of my story is.


how many time have you been somewhere that's supposed to be great and its not...?


Its like fishing..you know theres a 20lLB pike in there...but you never catch it.


well I have been all over the place and seen very little so far this year..My area is done already..nowt left.



All i want is a place to go and have a couple of bunnies on the odd occasion..I don't want or need big bags/catches.


i see these posts every day .. another 6 another 10 another 15 last night and all i ever think is...ffsake I wish i could get 10 runs for my dogs.


Im not packing in..and never will..but im well pissed off with going to shit places.


if theres anyone out there who is genuine and honest enough to point me and my dog at some area that is over populated with rabbits within 50 miles of Sheffield ... or even better still invite me and the dog out and actually show me the bunnies.. i would be forever in your debt.


I cannot waste anymore of this dogs time...it needs a good few nights.


all the best everyone.



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Hey up Vin get yourself over one teatime will show you that place was on about then you can go at your Leisure.   ATB   Jambay

he has a beddy x they take anything like u said about them taking deer in that other thread .now what ur saying is. there to small and so turning to other game isnt an option .make ur mind up mate .or

hi vin i live near leicester loads of bunnies around here i also have permission on the land i work . i live on farm with dogs and ferrets of my own if u are still struggling to find a run your more t

I used to get it all the time.. So and so phones a friend:


Can you come round and do something about these rabbits, it's lifting with them here..


We'd sometimes make a 50 mile round trip with the ferrets, dogs & a load of kit = blank. Not a single mark and about a half dozen used runs in the cover. :(



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only yesterday i was talking to a mate about traveling miles to hunt permission of lads from different areas ... and is it worth it , friday night we were out of the house for over 9 hours including travelling and getting an hour in the services on the way back and we blanked , not even a run , i know on the other hand it could have been completely different , but i know for sure if i'd have spent 9 hours going local , we could have covered loads of ground and got some good hunting done , someone could travle all that way only to get there and the weathers not right { depending on the quarry being hunted }and we've all bin asked on ground where someone says its crawling with em , or there everywhere , only to get there and its dead , im not saying i'd only go if it were a dead cert , because nothings guaranteed , i went local last night and didnt get anything thats all part of it ,but sometimes it pays to stick to what you know , and leave the wild goose chases to someone else ........

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i know just how you feel mate, i live in sheffield, can barely find a run round here. i go down near newark where a mate of mine lives and have a few runs round there, it gets hammered though and they aint easy, well lamp shy. if i find anywhere local ill let you know mate.

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I moved out of the city centre a few month ago, hoping that being surrounde by countryside meant more quarry to work... I have to travel bacck to the outskirts of the city now to get a run.. same story in alot of places though. Luckily, i've got a pack of dogs that are capable of tking anything available (within reason), but i know how annoying it is having a rabbit dog and no rabbits to run. Seems like a couple of the proper lads are pointing you the right way anyway, so good luck :thumbs:

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in this game lamping, it getting (very popular) in the last 12 years. So it dont really mater where you go, because you find them will keep going to good spots. And sooner or later others will find it, then it will lamped to death. So if drop on a good night, keep it to your self as you might not get another one (as good)what ever the quarry.? Before the Ban, you could have some good nights in the lamp on any quarry, but now everything is feckin lamp shy.? :yes: i wonder if a lamping dog, do our dogs really get enough work. :hmm:

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  On 12/10/2010 at 08:17, longdog13 said:
  On 12/10/2010 at 07:31, jambay5 said:

Hey up Vin get yourself over one teatime will show you that place was on about then you can go at your Leisure.







You can't say say fairer than that :thumbs:

that go's for any decent lads or lass on here as 4 eyes are better than 2 :thumbs:
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  On 12/10/2010 at 11:22, jambay5 said:
  On 12/10/2010 at 08:17, longdog13 said:
  On 12/10/2010 at 07:31, jambay5 said:

Hey up Vin get yourself over one teatime will show you that place was on about then you can go at your Leisure.







You can't say say fairer than that :thumbs:

that go's for any decent lads or lass on here as 4 eyes are better than 2 :thumbs:



shhh heheee.

wait for me 1st..Nice one Jambay. I'm glad I didnt take you where i was last night...you would have been well pissed off.


see you soon



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