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£1000 to find dog killer

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Link to Whitehall Dog Rescue HERE


Personally I would be quite happy to grass up or do worse to the killer of this dog but I don't know who the t055er is so if there is anybody near Wakefield who knows anything about this please either hand the f3cker in or give him/her what they really deserve please or both.


If you do live up that way and know anything please do something if only for the money!!!!


Sorry if it has been posted before but did try and search it.

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A grand reward for the capture of someone who neglected a dog :icon_eek: .....as sad and wrong as it is i cant help thinking this is all a bit much,crimewatch only offer a few grand more for the capture of people who have raped and diced up children !!

These heroic dog rescuers make me laugh,if nobody else wants the dog what makes them heroes just because they do want them :blink: ....if a dogs not found or rehomed after a month put it to sleep and stop this bleeding heart nonsense.

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  On 11/10/2010 at 21:21, gnasher16 said:

A grand reward for the capture of someone who neglected a dog :icon_eek: .....as sad and wrong as it is i cant help thinking this is all a bit much,crimewatch only offer a few grand more for the capture of people who have raped and diced up children !!

These heroic dog rescuers make me laugh,if nobody else wants the dog what makes them heroes just because they do want them :blink: ....if a dogs not found or rehomed after a month put it to sleep and stop this bleeding heart nonsense.


Gnasher16................your a c**t!

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the dog should have been given the same respect one has for all quarry and a quick dispatch if it was unwanted. I don't believe in rehoming in my particular breed but smaller less MA dogs do deserve a chance at finding a new home if they dont come up to scratch.


Bring back the birch...........

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A friend of mine had some dealings with a dog rescue outfit that's working in the W. Yorks area a little while back. She'd seen a stand they had at the Otley car-boot sale and had an interest in a lurcher pup they were trying to re home. After talking to them it tured out that they mainly delt with pikeys and they actually paid them up to £200!!!! for each dog they took on board FFS :wallbash::wallbash:


The folks concerned were a lesbian, vegan couple who ran the outfit.... I swear this is true as I was at my friends house when they brought the dog for her to have a look at.


How stupid can some of these 'do-gooder's' get?????? :shok:


Edit to say... I know there's plenty of genuine folks who try to help out dogs but these two were so misguided it was pathetic, only makeing the problem worse... :thumbdown:

Edited by andyfr1968
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  On 11/10/2010 at 21:21, gnasher16 said:

A grand reward for the capture of someone who neglected a dog :icon_eek: .....as sad and wrong as it is i cant help thinking this is all a bit much,crimewatch only offer a few grand more for the capture of people who have raped and diced up children !!

These heroic dog rescuers make me laugh,if nobody else wants the dog what makes them heroes just because they do want them :blink: ....if a dogs not found or rehomed after a month put it to sleep and stop this bleeding heart nonsense.




You c0ck


If you could have been bothered to look at the whitehall site you would have seen they have plenty of dogs that will be pts and mostly Staffies. This dog however, was dumped on the doorstep dead or nearly dead so the owner is to blame for its death by starving (neglect) and it is them that need sorting. THAT IS THE POINT YOU STUPID ????


Also the reward is from donations from the public not the "heroic charity" or Crimewatch.


"These heroic dog rescuers make me laugh you " & "stop this bleeding heart nonsense"


You make me laugh :toast::feck:


And andyfr1968 leave the dirty lezers alone :tongue2: :tongue2: it is the only thing that has made Coronation Street at all interesting so my wife says. :blink:

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:laugh: I've no problem at all with lezzers, in fact it may even make me watch the Commonwealth Games if it was included!!! A spectator sport of the future, I hope... :whistling::toast:


Really though, these two were a bit special and for all the wrong reasons. They were PAYING to take distressed dogs from those folks and that's just wrong...Perpetuating the problem. :thumbdown:

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[quote name='PINNACLE' timestamp='1286836432' post='1749548'




You c0ck


If you could have been bothered to look at the whitehall site you would have seen they have plenty of dogs that will be pts and mostly Staffies. This dog however, was dumped on the doorstep dead or nearly dead so the owner is to blame for its death by starving (neglect) and it is them that need sorting. THAT IS THE POINT YOU STUPID ????


Also the reward is from donations from the public not the "heroic charity" or Crimewatch.


"These heroic dog rescuers make me laugh you " & "stop this bleeding heart nonsense"


You make me laugh :toast::feck:


And andyfr1968 leave the dirty lezers alone :tongue2: :tongue2: it is the only thing that has made Coronation Street at all interesting so my wife says. :blink:



Ive been called worse ;) ....listen if you want to buy into all the bullshit then you do so but dont start whingeing when stray dogs are everywhere because dog homes are full to the brim with unwanted dogs.If a dogs unwanted why keep it alive,if more people bought dogs for decent money there would be more value on a dogs life rather than chucking it out in the street " cos it was free " !

So what if there " staffies " as you call them,what does that tell you ? that trend dictates over nature but its nature that suffers for the trend ;) ......if they was giving away 1000 pound a pop unfashionable poodles there wouldnt be dogs homes stuffed full of poodles would there.

Sometimes nature has to be cruel to be kind,you put a higher price tag,and a pts order within a month on them.......you see the difference.

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