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Ok going to be contraversial here...........I'm NEVER one to support the ham shanks but lets put this in to context here. You've got a group of guys trying the damnest to save a lass who arguably shou

  On 12/10/2010 at 00:36, F.R. said:

I'd have to agree, if she wasn't American the US shouldn't have had anything to do with trying to save her. It should have been your boys f**k up or victory. What a shame all the way around.


I don't agree with that at all. WE are over there helping YOUR LOT out, in YOUR WAR. So why shouldn't you's help us out when we need it? We're meant to be united in our aims and objectives over there, being the allied forces.


The Yanks have been quite partial to using our special forces for the jobs they haven't got the confidence in their own special forces to do, so what's with the attitude towards us?


This has been seen before on here but is an example of our Special Forces kicking Taliban ass because some Yankee CIA got smoked -


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  On 12/10/2010 at 08:44, Attack Fell Terrier said:
  On 12/10/2010 at 00:36, F.R. said:

I'd have to agree, if she wasn't American the US shouldn't have had anything to do with trying to save her. It should have been your boys f**k up or victory. What a shame all the way around.


I don't agree with that at all. WE are over there helping YOUR LOT out, in YOUR WAR. So why shouldn't you's help us out when we need it? We're meant to be united in our aims and objectives over there, being the allied forces.


The Yanks have been quite partial to using our special forces for the jobs they haven't got the confidence in their own special forces to do, so what's with the attitude towards us?


This has been seen before on here but is an example of our Special Forces kicking Taliban ass because some Yankee CIA got smoked -



say no more :boogie:

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  On 12/10/2010 at 08:44, Attack Fell Terrier said:
  On 12/10/2010 at 00:36, F.R. said:

I'd have to agree, if she wasn't American the US shouldn't have had anything to do with trying to save her. It should have been your boys f**k up or victory. What a shame all the way around.


I don't agree with that at all. WE are over there helping YOUR LOT out, in YOUR WAR. So why shouldn't you's help us out when we need it? We're meant to be united in our aims and objectives over there, being the allied forces.


The Yanks have been quite partial to using our special forces for the jobs they haven't got the confidence in their own special forces to do, so what's with the attitude towards us?


This has been seen before on here but is an example of our Special Forces kicking Taliban ass because some Yankee CIA got smoked -

AFT, I have no attitude toward you fellas at all. It reads here that the sentiment is that US help wassn't needed, is inferior and is detrimental (the SAS should have gone in). If so, I'm sure your SAS could do better and I fully support their use. Seems odd that those US boys risked their lives to go in yet the responses here are how us yanks f****d it up (again). I'm in support of using the most efficient tool for the job. Again, a shame all the way around.

Edited by F.R.
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  On 11/10/2010 at 18:48, maltenby said:
  On 11/10/2010 at 18:40, Aaron Proffitt said:
  On 11/10/2010 at 15:00, "Earth!" said:
  On 11/10/2010 at 14:08, maltenby said:

No wonder people are so quick to disbelieve the official line whenever there's a hint of a conspiracy in the US...




Maybe it would have been better to send the SAS in after one of our own.. . :yes:


at least the job would have been carried out professionally :yes:


I understand,friend. And I could see where it would rankle.



Maybe,maybe not....



Aaron, please don't think that I was having a go at you guys over there. :no: Your lads put their lives at risk to try to rescue that woman, it's more the way the story was handled by the American news agencies that got to me.. :thumbs:

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  On 12/10/2010 at 00:17, readie said:
  On 11/10/2010 at 21:51, Swampy said:

My mistake......Didn't realise there were so many experts on tactical warfare on here.

You've obviously got inside information on the whole exercise or perhaps you were there yourself?



You must be worried about leaking information like that!


No matter waht your political stance on Afghanistan is do you honestly think that its OK to trivialise something as personal as someones death?


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ning




10 yrs in the BAF and you're an expert?

As for writing sh*te?

At least I didn't pass judgement on anyone before knowing all the facts. Your comment speaks volumes about you!








ive a little knowledge swampy,after 10 yrs in the british forces the last thing i would want is the fooking gung ho americans to come looking for me.do you have more than 10 yrs experience in the forces,or more than likely as well as others you know nothing and write shite.

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  On 17/10/2010 at 21:59, Swampy said:
  On 12/10/2010 at 00:17, readie said:
  On 11/10/2010 at 21:51, Swampy said:

My mistake......Didn't realise there were so many experts on tactical warfare on here.

You've obviously got inside information on the whole exercise or perhaps you were there yourself?



You must be worried about leaking information like that!


No matter waht your political stance on Afghanistan is do you honestly think that its OK to trivialise something as personal as someones death?


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ning




10 yrs in the BAF and you're an expert?

As for writing sh*te?

At least I didn't pass judgement on anyone before knowing all the facts. Your comment speaks volumes about you!








ive a little knowledge swampy,after 10 yrs in the british forces the last thing i would want is the fooking gung ho americans to come looking for me.do you have more than 10 yrs experience in the forces,or more than likely as well as others you know nothing and write shite.


as stated 10 yrs to your nothing,i dont need to say anymore on this subject.

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I've been involved in HRT's for about 16 years now....the high potential for something to very wrong is always a very real possibility.


I am trying to wrap my head around why in the hell a fragmentation grenade was used. Diversionary/distraction devices ? Sure. Haven't figured this out. I have gnawing feeling it may have been issued accidentally.

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  On 17/10/2010 at 22:41, readie said:
  On 17/10/2010 at 21:59, Swampy said:
  On 12/10/2010 at 00:17, readie said:
  On 11/10/2010 at 21:51, Swampy said:

My mistake......Didn't realise there were so many experts on tactical warfare on here.

You've obviously got inside information on the whole exercise or perhaps you were there yourself?



You must be worried about leaking information like that!


No matter waht your political stance on Afghanistan is do you honestly think that its OK to trivialise something as personal as someones death?


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ning




10 yrs in the BAF and you're an expert?

As for writing sh*te?

At least I didn't pass judgement on anyone before knowing all the facts. Your comment speaks volumes about you!








ive a little knowledge swampy,after 10 yrs in the british forces the last thing i would want is the fooking gung ho americans to come looking for me.do you have more than 10 yrs experience in the forces,or more than likely as well as others you know nothing and write shite.


as stated 10 yrs to your nothing,i dont need to say anymore on this subject.


Who said I had no experience?

After 10 yrs I would have thought that you would have learn't that you should know what your up against.......?

Blinkered thinking like that would make put you and your fellow men in grave danger......

I'm sure you must have heard the expression "never assume"?


Think about it mate before you shoot your mouth off!







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Malt is right (oh how that hurts an Englishman to say about a Welshman.....ps good result for Tigers eh?!)

It is not what the hams did its how it was reported. However at least this time they stuck their hands up and admitted an error rather than try and cover it up!

We do not know what the brief was when they went in...........Perhaps there was more than one motive to go in?

Who knows? Sympathy to the family, thanks to the men who tried and sympathy to the man who made a mistake under extreme duress...........Hopefully lessons will be learnt and we can move on without the blame culture, finger pointing, armchair warriors of fleet street and others with 10 yrs experience and a "little knowledge". Like I said, its a dangerous thing





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  On 18/10/2010 at 21:25, Swampy said:

Malt is right (oh how that hurts an Englishman to say about a Welshman.....ps good result for Tigers eh?!)

It is not what the hams did its how it was reported. However at least this time they stuck their hands up and admitted an error rather than try and cover it up!

We do not know what the brief was when they went in...........Perhaps there was more than one motive to go in?

Who knows? Sympathy to the family, thanks to the men who tried and sympathy to the man who made a mistake under extreme duress...........Hopefully lessons will be learnt and we can move on without the blame culture, finger pointing, armchair warriors of fleet street and others with 10 yrs experience and a "little knowledge". Like I said, its a dangerous thing






talking bollox is another dangerous thing. :censored: :censored: :censored:

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  On 18/10/2010 at 21:25, Swampy said:

Malt is right (oh how that hurts an Englishman to say about a Welshman.....ps good result for Tigers eh?!)

It is not what the hams did its how it was reported. However at least this time they stuck their hands up and admitted an error rather than try and cover it up!

We do not know what the brief was when they went in...........Perhaps there was more than one motive to go in?

Who knows? Sympathy to the family, thanks to the men who tried and sympathy to the man who made a mistake under extreme duress...........Hopefully lessons will be learnt and we can move on without the blame culture, finger pointing, armchair warriors of fleet street and others with 10 yrs experience and a "little knowledge". Like I said, its a dangerous thing






I understand what you're saying, but you can't expect people to be understanding when American armed forces have killed yet another British person over there.


Fair enough she wasn't part of our Armed forces and there's valid questions as to why she was over there in the first place, but The Yanks have been responsible for a substantial amount of blue on blue since the invasion(s) and if rescuing the woman was their objective then they've messed up terribly here.

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  On 18/10/2010 at 23:46, readie said:
  On 18/10/2010 at 21:25, Swampy said:

Malt is right (oh how that hurts an Englishman to say about a Welshman.....ps good result for Tigers eh?!)

It is not what the hams did its how it was reported. However at least this time they stuck their hands up and admitted an error rather than try and cover it up!

We do not know what the brief was when they went in...........Perhaps there was more than one motive to go in?

Who knows? Sympathy to the family, thanks to the men who tried and sympathy to the man who made a mistake under extreme duress...........Hopefully lessons will be learnt and we can move on without the blame culture, finger pointing, armchair warriors of fleet street and others with 10 yrs experience and a "little knowledge". Like I said, its a dangerous thing






talking bollox is another dangerous thing. :censored: :censored: :censored:

True! Which is why I live without fear.........and you must be watching yor back 24/7


Quit with the macho BS and get an education!

All that is in he press is not true.........WAKE UP!





ninging but somehow worrying for the few of us that cannot

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  On 21/10/2010 at 19:07, Swampy said:
  On 18/10/2010 at 23:46, readie said:
  On 18/10/2010 at 21:25, Swampy said:

Malt is right (oh how that hurts an Englishman to say about a Welshman.....ps good result for Tigers eh?!)

It is not what the hams did its how it was reported. However at least this time they stuck their hands up and admitted an error rather than try and cover it up!

We do not know what the brief was when they went in...........Perhaps there was more than one motive to go in?

Who knows? Sympathy to the family, thanks to the men who tried and sympathy to the man who made a mistake under extreme duress...........Hopefully lessons will be learnt and we can move on without the blame culture, finger pointing, armchair warriors of fleet street and others with 10 yrs experience and a "little knowledge". Like I said, its a dangerous thing






talking bollox is another dangerous thing. :censored: :censored: :censored:

True! Which is why I live without fear.........and you must be watching yor back 24/7


Quit with the macho BS and get an education!

All that is in he press is not true.........WAKE UP!





ninging but somehow worrying for the few of us that cannot


why would i need a education,i have my own business doing well,dont need to watch my back and macho bs hmm ok. i talk from experience not papers, you seem to think you are the only one that can say anything anyone that disagrees with you you try to put down.does not work with me , i did my army time and numerous other things that needs no explanation.so in two words fukc off.

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