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What Makes a Good Dogman.?

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You do like to have a pop at me bud.Hey thats fine.You dont know my dogs and never will.If you feel the need to keep slagging be my guest.How many names do you have on here.?

Good dogman/woman is someone who understands a dog, it's needs, and must be able to spend a few readies if needed when injuries occur.


The character of it's owner will reflect on the dogs performance and well being for it's whole life with you and around other people and animals. You may also also have to make some harsh decisions. I may also add, that you must go out and do some form of hunting with your dogs, and not just read lots of books and magazines.


Learn off each other, and share your knowledge. It's not a big secret in owning a good dog.

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A good dog man ensures that his dogs get the best pen's and kennels he can provide and the should be cleaned routinely. He will feed his dogs the best diet he can manage and ensure the recieve all the jab's they need and routine treatment of parasites. A good dog man does not regard his dogs as a tool or a hobby but a way of life you get out what you put in. A good dog man will be honest with himself and others about every aspect of his dogs. He will be open to criticism and new ideas. A good dog man will never let money corrupt his plans or sell out. He will give his dogs the best chance to succeed but will accept when his dog has failed. A good dog man thinks about what he is doing why and how he can improve and not be another of the blood and guts men of which there are more and more each day. Some are natural some have to learn soone never will. I dont claim to be a good dog man but i hunt with a few and hope to be considered one some day. I read some where a saying which I bear in mind each time i take my dogs to work. "A mans ego is a heavy burden for any dog to carry."


i like that :toast:

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Going by my granddad, who I think was a good dog man, putting the time in for a start - you don't get a good dog without time and work. Then real powers of observation and understanding - seeing what a dog is doing, in response to what, when and why, and responding accordingly. Good boundaries - like others have said, a dog's a dog not a child substitute, mate or whatever. And loving the dog, heart and soul, imperfections and all.

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Perseverance, dedication, patience, and many ex partners :D



Stealthy behind every good dogman is a good woman.:notworthy:


ive got a good women!



Your half way there bud.:yes:


dogs earn their grub too..


Does that now make me a professional :whistling:



The wonan part was a joke bud.Plenty woman out there could show some lads a thing or two.:thumbs: atb. Catcher.

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To be a good dogman you have to have common sense and dedication to what you want from your dogs

all the money and patience in the world cant buy these two attributes i think if your dedicated 110% and have plenty of common sense then you are a good dogman/woman

learning something new comes with going out and doing it for yourself not from books or ppl who have read books and then sit online telling ppl things that they have done when they have simply read it in a book AS YOU ALL KNOW THERE ARE PPL HERE LIKE THAT common sense about surface types to run a dog or not and common sense to not run your dog injured or not fully healed i know a couple of ppl that do they are just @$$holes :thumbs:

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