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what should my next perchase be

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hi all just wanting some feed back from all you experianced shooters out there im wanting to perchase my next air rifle now i have finaly sold my stealth i have 3 guns in mind and ill like your help in choosing 1 as im stuck now the catch is im going to haft to buy second hand because i just have not got the money to buy new the 3 rifles are

1,theoben rapid mk11

2,theoben rapid MFR

3,daystate air ranger


as you can see 3 very nice rifles but whats the pros and cons of them

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Just wondering if you dont know the pros and cons of those 3 rifles why have you liited your choice to them???


There are plenty of other rifles out there that are a lot cheaper both new and secondhand that will do exactly the same job, just curious



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I wouldn't choose any of them 3 mate as the price second hand will be almost what a good new one will cost of the following types:


HW100T / KT, Air Arms s410 or a BSA r10.


These above named rifles will shoot as good as your 3 choices guaranteed and at a less cost.


Your choice of rifles are very good though and im not saying that your 3 are not top class rifles.


ATB with which ever you choice mate.



Edited by zini
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Hi buddy I shoot a HW100 and they are deadly accurate I've been taking bunnies at 50yds plus over the weekend ;)


The 3 rifles you have listed will cost between £500 & £700 then you will need filling gear


So as the lads said there are cheaper rifles around the HW100 you are looking £300-£500 ish second hand plus you really need to test and hold a few before you buy.


I hope this helps



Atb rob

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I just went for a 2nd hand PCP after "some" years of knocking magpies over with a £30 mail order .177 baikal with a £10 scope! (yes it was a while ago when I got it!)

it was the reduced noise and the extended range I got it for. (baikal was only useful up to about 25yds if I am honest and sounded like a car door slamming)


I got a second hand Falcon FN19 with all the kit, pump, pellets, AirArms moderator, targets, 3-10x44 IR scope and slip for £350.

It is really simple to strip (essential IMO)

very quiet (more so now with some tweaks)

shorter barrel than some(required)

much lighter than I expected and with some initial changes to the way I shoot it (trigger is very different to my springer or any other trigger I use) it seems to be very accurate... puts pellets into 2p sized groups from standing shots which is fine by me. havent had it long so am off next week to see what it is like at range (bloody magpies are a bit too wary round here to stray inside the 30yd kill zone I had previously!).


I did my homework and looked at a few, some cheaper, some much more expensive. Had never heard of Falcon before but the reports were good enough for me to buy it over a bigger name.

I personally dont think there is much in it with regard to accuracy in modern guns, you will always get some variation with a PCP as the charge drops off though. found mine works best between 160-180bar.


try the forums, lots of very good deals out there for 2nd hand PCP's.

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