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A week with Kye and Tiff (and Ratkilla)

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Ive recently been working in Canada. I was given a week off in country and decided to see some of the USA, and hopefully some American hunting. A quick pm exchange with Tiff later and I was on my wa

Although I didn't do anymore hunting during that trip I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of my time. It was really nice to spend time in the company of like minded people and see some quality dogs work.

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You sure you're a Northerner? Well spoken, can use a computer AND upload pictures?! :tongue2:


:laugh: You really have to be around her to understand how she wins EVERYONES hearts here, even grumpy Ben :laugh: Little Jugs (Jugalicious) sure lives the life ... she has the run of the place, sleeps in the garage, gets up in the morning and if it is balmy she'll go for a little swim in the pond, come back up to sun herself ... goes to the barn or chicken house to check on things, has a rag on a pipe that at one time held a mouse, will come running if she hears a door open ... will stand (or lay) guard if you set something down on the ground, follows me around on my chores. Every dog on this place (from bulldogs to staghounds to even the disobedient collie) put up with her and everything she does. She is an ACE mouser and ratter and won't back down from a fight with Chimp ... funniest thing is that those two (pretty similar in size but Jugs is white and Chimp is black) can fight for about 7 minutes and neither have a mark on them :laugh: well recently Chimp has learned how to use her teeth, but Jugs has like zero jaw power or something! Anyway Gecko my point is that I think even Kye, Ratkilla and I can actually agree on one thing, same as you, she is our favorite! :kiss:

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I love anything like this, fair play to you all. :thumbs:


I've met a few of the lads and lass's from here and everyone I've met properly has been first class, as Ian said, this is what it should all be about..




Edit... Got to agree with UG though, I think I'd have :sick: at the HOMO milk!! :laugh:

Edited by andyfr1968
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lol poor Ratkilla is going to pout if he isn't included in the thanks ... he's living with us for 6 months and was the most involved with entertaining Gecko as both Kye and I work, and Ratkilla lives a life of luxury :angel:

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  On 11/10/2010 at 20:05, Tiff said:

lol poor Ratkilla is going to pout if he isn't included in the thanks ... he's living with us for 6 months and was the most involved with entertaining Gecko as both Kye and I work, and Ratkilla lives a life of luxury :angel:


sorry forgot...thanks ratkilla for telling me all about what you will be getting upto..

i assume he did tell you about his brothers car and how he nearly didnt make it over to you Tiff? :laugh::laugh:

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