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drey poking with terriers

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had a walk the other day with a few lads poking squirrel dreys,had loads of squirrels on the move and managed to get 2 with the dogs,the first 1 i chased to a hole then bolted it with ferret and 1 of the dogs caught it after it was shot and the second was caught when it fell on the floor after it was shot and the dogs caught it on the run,bit of fun and gets the dogs out of the kennels


went out for another look today with keyboard warrior and 2 other lads,went to a farm that holds alot of squirrels,we put 8 in the bag altogether and out of the 8, 5 were ran to ground by poking the dreys and then ferreted out and the terriers caught them when they bolted and were shot and another 3 fell to the gun at the end of the day,we did kill another 4 but the ferret killed them in holes we could not get the squirrels out of,we did watch the ferret however with a torch and could see the squirrels but could not reach them to put them in the bag,there is only 7 squirels in the photot as one of them was in bits as the 7 terriers 3 lurchers and 1 whippet and 1 pure bull had a game of tug of war with it,a good day though and a few less tree rats about















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theres loads in this park near me but theres always somebody about they feed them as well.. some eat out off there hands.ill take a bag off nuts oneday to get them in the open.and have a bit of sport with me dogs ... :D:D good laugh getting a few greys.. :clapper:

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what and leave the rest of them in the kennels when they can get out for a walk and some sport,dont think so :no::tongue2:

TRY ONE DOG MATE ALL R THEY SHIT :tongue2::icon_eek:

there is one born every minute,yes mate,cant use 1 dog as they all shit,there is another 56 dogs there which we could not get in the pic as if we got the dogs in the pic we would of had to put the 34 people on horse back in the pic to be fair,then the lads from the local territorial army would of wanted to be in the pic with the 3 tanks and all there guns,but dont worry i am hoping to get a extra wide angle camera for christmas which i can then get all the dogs,horses and territorial army lads in with,and whatever squirrels we get as well,lol

took some more pics of the lads and the horses after and the tanks which we used to get the squirrels,and next time we go out we got the help of these lot and they bringing along there buddys in case the going gets tough for our dogs :clapper::D :clapping: :haha::hunter::gunsmilie: :tongue4:





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:laugh::laugh::laugh: Good reply wife. Looks like real good fun, never done it myself but looks like i've missed some good sport :D

just a harmless bit of freindly banter,its a good laugh mate and gets the dogs out the kennels for a bit of fun,there are loads of them across my permission and all the farmers moan about them,we all walk our dogs together me and the lads and got fed up with chasing them to dreys and having to walk past them,we did resort to shooting down the dreys but it more fun to take a set of light weight drey poking poles and give the dreys a poke and then let the dogs catch when they been shot or if run to ground put a ferret in and bolt them for the gun with the dogs there to retreive them,keep hunting :good:

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what and leave the rest of them in the kennels when they can get out for a walk and some sport,dont think so :no::tongue2:

TRY ONE DOG MATE ALL R THEY SHIT :tongue2::icon_eek:

there is one born every minute,yes mate,cant use 1 dog as they all shit,there is another 56 dogs there which we could not get in the pic as if we got the dogs in the pic we would of had to put the 34 people on horse back in the pic to be fair,then the lads from the local territorial army would of wanted to be in the pic with the 3 tanks and all there guns,but dont worry i am hoping to get a extra wide angle camera for christmas which i can then get all the dogs,horses and territorial army lads in with,and whatever squirrels we get as well,lol

took some more pics of the lads and the horses after and the tanks which we used to get the squirrels,and next time we go out we got the help of these lot and they bringing along there buddys in case the going gets tough for our dogs :clapper::D :clapping: :haha::hunter::gunsmilie: :tongue4:





:clapper::clapper::clapper:;) :thumbs-up:nice one mate :tongue2::wub::drinks: :tongue4:

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