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Ferreting Gives You A Bad Name!

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never had any bother with joe public as what i do is out of the way of towns etc and the rabbits are a f*****g nuisance to the villagers, had my hands shook a few times for doing a good job. but lamping is another ball game its tough to get lamping permission luckily im too old to be bothered traipsing around the fields in the dark getting my knackers caught on barbed wire i will gladly leave it up to you more able fuckers :D

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I wrote a letter to the neighbouring farm to my permission and got the whole farm no problem just have to text the farm manager when im on the land.But Joe public have mixed reactions I just cant see the problem with catching your own snap 90% of the population eat meat but the ones that disagree live in the "matrix" they dont quite realise where there meat comes from,on the other hand I get alot of "Seasonal Dog Walkers"on my permmision who tresspass because they cant be arsed to walk down the road a bit and give me the filthiest looks,well they will do now Ive been told to tell them to stick to the foot paths!

Regards Seany :thumbs:

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i tell no one i hunt. Never on an application form as my interests or never tell work colleagues in my current career. Ferreting is the easiest permission to get for me not always with the lurcher at first but usually can get her but if not i love my netting. I am off in the morning looking forward to it first time for my two kits just a wee shallow burrow or too.

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