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Rabbits Don't Bolt

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Got a bit of new land but I’m having a few problems.


1- My MK1 locator will dot work on this land :censored: (getting interference from power lines etc)So I tend to put my 2 jills down with no locators! :o should I stop working them here?


2- My Jills work great I’m really chuffed with them :toast: But I find that if I use nets I’m constantly resetting them as my jills come in and out and its a right pain :wallbash: Is this normal or am I doing somert wrong? :hmm:


3- Also another reason I haven’t been using nets cause rather than the rabbits bolting like a missile out of it hole they tend to stroll out as if they have all the time in the world thus the nets don’t purse. :angel: Why? :hmm:


4- And finally because I’m not using nets and I have no dog/hawk etc I shoot them with my fully moderated 410 shot gun :gunsmilie: But because most of the dopey sods tend to stroll out of their holes it don’t seem too sporting (even though i do) :gunsmilie: to blast them as they pop out of there holes and begin to have a nice wash! What would you do?

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1 try turning your mk 1 down from the highest reading just a bit sometimes this helps


2 Take it there young ferrets ? get them out more the more there out the quicker they learn to respect the nets


3 How big are the burrows ?,how many ferrets are you using ? if the ferrrets no following them to the surface sometimes they dont come flying out the hole


4 There just as dead when you shoot them as if they where sporting shoots . What you going to say to who ever gave you permission i left that one because it wasn't a sporting shot but next time it will be .

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1.I have worked ferrets for a few years and only recently purchased a locator (last three seasons), so while they are a great piece of kit the absence of one does not prevent you from ferreting imho. Obviously large warrens pose greater problems when not using a locator if the ferret lies up :thumbdown: .


2. Usually I only have trouble with having to reset nets when ferrets are wearing collars, normally without collars they slip through the meshes without disturbing the net, although i hasten to add not every time :whistling: .

Are they large ferrets? Do the nets have small mesh size?


3/4. Rabbits do not always flee from the warren at 100 mph. Could be various reasons why they are reluctant to bolt; How much noise do you make when netting up? How soon after netting up do you enter ferret? Can they see you? Can they smell you?

The number of ferrets entered compared to size of warren could affect how urgent the rabbit feels it needs to escape. I find that rabbits that bolt at high speed are normally followed, out of the hole, very soon afterwards by the ensuing ferret.


All the above are my own personal opinions and experiences (i don't think for one moment that i know everything) and accept those of others may differ.


ATVB in sorting it out mate


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ive borrowed locators when working my mates ferrets and they are fine but my own ferrets work ok with out them.


it sounds like your working big warrens were rabbits will just f**k about get them shot boy


even our big hob ferret goes through the nets sometimes we have to reset but mostly its ok. ferreting into nets is hard work im often more tired from a days ferreting than i am from a day building walls. its an up and down job but its bloody exciting :thumbs:

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Alright mate just a few thoughts that might be a benefit to you. I have kept and worked ferrets for a while now and i have never used a locator. The reason being i find once you have netted up you make to much noise walking about trying to locate the ferret/ferrets. A ferret who has been fed well the night before will come out when the warren is empty. I tend to net up and leave the warren for at least 30 mins before entering my ferrets. Try moving onto another warren and net that by the time you have done so the first warren will be ready to ferret. Another suggestion maybe to use nets with a bigger sized mesh so your ferrets can pass through them without making a mess of them. Just remember if it is a big warren you will need more than one ferret as the rabbits will just run the ferret round, this could be the reason for them stolling out of the holes. Once you have returned to your netted warren be sure to stand out of sight and in complete silence and watch the rabbits hit the nets. These methods work for me but might not for you its a case of trail and error hope it has been some help to you. :thumbs:

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  On 10/10/2010 at 09:11, tubba said:

Alright mate just a few thoughts that might be a benefit to you. I have kept and worked ferrets for a while now and i have never used a locator. The reason being i find once you have netted up you make to much noise walking about trying to locate the ferret/ferrets. A ferret who has been fed well the night before will come out when the warren is empty. I tend to net up and leave the warren for at least 30 mins before entering my ferrets. Try moving onto another warren and net that by the time you have done so the first warren will be ready to ferret. Another suggestion maybe to use nets with a bigger sized mesh so your ferrets can pass through them without making a mess of them. Just remember if it is a big warren you will need more than one ferret as the rabbits will just run the ferret round, this could be the reason for them stolling out of the holes. Once you have returned to your netted warren be sure to stand out of sight and in complete silence and watch the rabbits hit the nets. These methods work for me but might not for you its a case of trail and error hope it has been some help to you. :thumbs:

Cheers bud :thumbs:

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""Are you having a laugh....." Dont think this is sound advice at all... read below..



""I have kept and worked ferrets for a while now and i have never used a locator. The reason being i find once you have netted up you make to much noise walking about trying to locate the ferret/ferrets....................



So maybe they should stop making frret locators...

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OK if I was o put one of my hobs down then yes I would always use a locator as they are bigger and more able to kill down below.

But if its one of my jills I do and have used them with no locator, but thats not to say they are not able to make a kill down below! they have just not done so or to my knowledge they have not.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 09/10/2010 at 13:48, wabbit slayer said:



Got a bit of new land but I’m having a few problems.


1- My MK1 locator will dot work on this land :censored: (getting interference from power lines etc)So I tend to put my 2 jills down with no locators! :o should I stop working them here?


2- My Jills work great I’m really chuffed with them :toast: But I find that if I use nets I’m constantly resetting them as my jills come in and out and its a right pain :wallbash: Is this normal or am I doing somert wrong? :hmm:


3- Also another reason I haven’t been using nets cause rather than the rabbits bolting like a missile out of it hole they tend to stroll out as if they have all the time in the world thus the nets don’t purse. :angel: Why? :hmm:


4- And finally because I’m not using nets and I have no dog/hawk etc I shoot them with my fully moderated 410 shot gun :gunsmilie: But because most of the dopey sods tend to stroll out of their holes it don’t seem too sporting (even though i do) :gunsmilie: to blast them as they pop out of there holes and begin to have a nice wash! What would you do?

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