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ritchie wenton boxed for wavertree ritchie was a good amature ,



He was a real nice fella Ritchie Wenton he gave the belt to Bradleys mum and kept in touch for many years,always sent a note to her on every anniversary of his death,very good and decent person.

the whole family talented either boxing or singing , ritchie done well aint seen him for a while

we had a lad paddy greaham they met every year in the aba's every year was deserving of the final ritchie had a good england record too ,

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Kaylor fought somebody from middlands i think and went off big time in crowd who was that

against gnasher ?



I think thats probably the Errol Christie fight your thinking of....Mark used to get a lot of the football crowd following him as did a lot of the West Ham boys Mo Hussein was the same.Gary Delaney once got out the ring to stop his brother getting nicked in the crowd because of the football carry on :D ....funny days.

The fight was Kaylor v Tony Sibson of Leicester at Bingley Hall Stafford , West Hams ICF had it with Leicesters Baby Squad , 1987 , i remember it well as i was in jail in 88 for football violence and loads of Baby Squad were in for that ruck .

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Kaylor fought somebody from middlands i think and went off big time in crowd who was that

against gnasher ?



I think thats probably the Errol Christie fight your thinking of....Mark used to get a lot of the football crowd following him as did a lot of the West Ham boys Mo Hussein was the same.Gary Delaney once got out the ring to stop his brother getting nicked in the crowd because of the football carry on :D ....funny days.

The fight was Kaylor v Tony Sibson of Leicester at Bingley Hall Stafford , West Hams ICF had it with Leicesters Baby Squad , 1987 , i remember it well as i was in jail in 88 for football violence and loads of Baby Squad were in for that ruck .



note to self..... add ZigZag Dan to the list with Gnasher16, not to argue with....

Im not involved these days but i went to the boxing in Brum few weeks ago with a few of the old football lads and Frankie Gavin had a massive following of Blues lads - zulus - there , went off big time , with the Welsh boys .

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Yes thought name rang a bell he went distance with Lloyd Hunigan i think ?


Yeah he did, I haven't seen the fight myself as I was real young at that time, but apparently he pushed Honeyghan to a close decision. Lloyd told me there was only half a point in it at the end.


Yes i remember Lloyd he was a brummie if i remember right i cant say i knew him only in passing kind of thing,i think he fought Honeyghan at welterweight at the Albert Hall.


Yeah, I'm not sure whether it was at Welter or Light Middle he fought Honeyghan? You are probably right though. I don't even think I had started school when he fought Honeyghan. All I remember is what he told us when me and his son Carl would nause his head asking questions about his boxing career. I remember him saying Nick Whiltshire bust his jaw before he beat him in one of the fights they had. I think it was Whiltshire that he won the commonwealth title against, but again I'm not 100% on that either?


I do remember he told us that there was some grief with Kirkland Laing who called him a fake black man though :rofl: . Apparently there was a bit of talk about them fighting, but it never happened, which was probably a good thing for Lloyd lol. Laing when he was right was a hand full, from what I've seen/read of him.


I never reached any real great heights i didnt have anywhere near the talent of others but i was strong and durable with a decent chin,sparred a lot with Bruno and Gary Mason,Hughroy Currie.. my biggest achievement was being Franks sparring partner for the Witherspoon fight which he lost anyway....so pretty much sums up my career :icon_redface: ....back then a good sparring partner was worth their weight in gold and it was a career in itself and i realised early on i wasnt going to be top grade so it was decent money doing what you love.


Yeah I got chance to watch the Bruno vs. Whitherspoon bout recently. I vaguely remember watching it at the time as a nipper but it was a shame Bruno done all that hard work building up a lead to get caught and it all come apart for him at the end. I suppose that's boxing though ey.


Fair play though Gnasher, you seem to have some found memories of the sport :good: .

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Yeah I got chance to watch the Bruno vs. Whitherspoon bout recently. I vaguely remember watching it at the time as a nipper but it was a shame Bruno done all that hard work building up a lead to get caught and it all come apart for him at the end. I suppose that's boxing though ey.


Fair play though Gnasher, you seem to have some found memories of the sport :good: .



It was one of the biggest dissapointments of my career in a strange sort of way,thats exactly right he did just come apart.Franks a genuine nice fella,i always felt he had quit in him which i dont mean in a nasty way,he is actually a very intelligent man he always played on the dosey lump character,he was never a fast puncher but he had heavy hands and when he hit you you certainly stayed hit !....he didnt even need to catch you flush a glancing blow was enough to get your attention.But fighting just never really came natural to him he always reverted back to standing off or holding when he was under pressure,he couldnt mix it in a tear up.Gary Mason was actually a far more hurtful puncher but his mobility was no better than Franks sadly.

Anyway,nice to natter about a common interest :thumbs: ....all the best.


As for all the footie carry on :D ...thank god we all grow up eh,makes me cringe with embarrassment thinking back to all that shit !

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