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dog wouldnt come back.

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also wait till shes stopped running around and there is a better chance of coming back because if your shouting her constantly and shes not coming back she will just realise it dosn`t matter if she ignores you instead just call her once and just wait till shes ready. how exited would you be if you were a lurcher and you seen a feild full of rabbits lol just be patient with her and you will be victorious :victory:

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Hi bud.Has the dog been doing any daytime work.:thumbs:

keep the lamp of and walk the oppisite direction itlcome back and just praise dont shout at it for coming back



The reason i asked.If the dogs been used for bushing before the lamp.It thinks it norn to hunt up after a miss.:thumbs:

Edited by Catcher 1
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I was out lamping with my one year old bitch....It was her first slip on the rabbit she never caught it.....and then i shouted on her and she wouldnt listen to a thing i was saying.....she was hunting like mad how could i stop this from happening advice please cheers. :thumbs:


Welcome to the world of hunting.... :whistling: Doesn't matter how much recall you do prior to hunting, once the old lurcher instinct kicks in in the field.... they turn deaf. Need to get her out hunting as often as you can, repetitive training... chase, catch/loss, come back.... over and over till it is second nature. plenty of praise when she comes back empty handed or not.

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