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Bull greyhounds and kids

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i would trust all my dogs with my kids, because my kids have been taught around dogs, cant always blame the dogs, sorry if this isnt everyone's opinion.

I think they can no longer have the nanny dog tag, that was in days long gone, when culling out bad traits was more prominent, now they are breed and breed for cash, colour and look, so there are some

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i trust all my bull xs 100 percent. but the problem comes if one for whotever reason did snap they can do alot of serious damage in a very short time, for that reason i think all with bull x owners should be mindfull.

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  On 07/10/2010 at 22:43, jf1970 said:

don't think i can trust any dog 100%. wouldn't leave my dogs with my child unattended for a second no matter how much i trust them,better safe than sorry imo.

I have a grandson here on Fridays, I never leave him in a room unattended with my three dogs,I think he would be fine but that isn't good enough.

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Guest deerhound hunter

i,ve got 3 bull x 2 live out side the pup lives in they have brought up round my kids had all do from pups 2 of them which i bred myself out of my bitch,iwould trust my kids round my dogs all day long,strangers are a different matter as i would trust them while i was their but not leave them just incase.not long ago as found the hard way i was back from local shop with a neighbours with his staffy and my 5 yearold son had strokeing it outside the shop everything was ok walking back along from the shop and the boy went down to stroke the dog again and just went for him ,did,nt lock on but it was nasty as he needed 23 stiches in his nose inner lip and chin ,1 good thing that come out of was he not afraid of dogs as when he came straight in from the hospitial and when straight to stroke the dogs it would have been alot worse he was scared of his own dogs,anyway moral of the story is even know you think 100% that your dog would,t do anythink is it worth the chance with our children .

Edited by deerhound hunter
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All very sensible answers here, id never leave my youngest child alone wit any of my dogs but id have no problem with my young lad, ive taught him the proper way to treat and handle dogs so theres no problem and my dogs respond as well to him as myself.. But i dont see why the question would about bull x's, ive seen lap dogs more vicious than any working dog ive ever encountered..

..... Pa

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  On 08/10/2010 at 08:54, ianh said:

yeah any dog can potentially harma child, probably less so something with bull in it brought up well. dont they call them nanny dogs in the US?


I think they can no longer have the nanny dog tag, that was in days long gone, when culling out bad traits was more prominent, now they are breed and breed for cash, colour and look, so there are some real scatty bulls out there.

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I agree with what most have said, it's as much about the child as the dog and more about the individual dogs character than the breed. The one thing with Bull Breeds, as has been mentioned is that due to their physical capabilities, when they attack they dont nip, they hold and crush, causing far worse injuries than most other breeds.


Despite what people say i don't think you can trust any animal 100%, and it's not worth risking it. A relation of mine had a terrier for 10 years from a pup, it was her constant companion and very very chilled and soft. One day she was driving the car, turned around to speak to him on the back seat and he locked onto her face, no warning.

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theres only one of my dogs that id trust 100% with kids; my parson x,

the rest of my terriers wouldnt be too bad and i dont think they'd bite but i wouldnt take that chance.


my sheepdogs are a different matter, they are not raised around kids and i know if a young or hyper child was around theres a strong chance they would be thought of by my collies as livestock and herded and legs nipped.



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i asked a similar question on another site the other day,the answer i got was i would not trust a bull x with kids Evin if he had a loaded gun at hand :icon_eek: then they started to tell me how i have made i big mistake by getting one and how i will regret it :thumbdown: to witch i said have you yourselves owned bull xs,they said no :icon_eek::censored:

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