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Countrymans Weekly?

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I get it every week, and have done since it was the shooting news, times have changed, and the CW has adpted to this, there is so much more to the countryside than just killing, and the CW reflects this, if it isnt your thing, then dont buy it :cry:



i agree time's have changed, and yes there is a lot more to the countryside than killing (i dont think anyone criticised the countrymaids weekly for a lack of killing)


i appreciate a few general countryside articles , but there are legal hunting activities in the Uk that are ignored by the CMW,


the magazine has forgotten long ago who it is aimed at , when a magazine stops writing for its readership, it is no longer a magazine and becomes propaganda


I have a roll of wall paper here if anyone wants a more bland read


I aren't an all digging terrierman or an out and out feck the ban merchant, i am mainly a ferreter who does a bit of shooting, but the CMW has abandoned all moral stance and changes its opinion more than i change my underwear :laugh:


besides they got really silly with people on another forum and as a magazine that is meant to appeal to the hunting community to cause such rifts within the community really stinks


and to quote one of the senior CMW staff "i aren't one of them"(or words to that effect) refering to the hunting community, they aren't part of our community and only care about circulation, we should support magazines etc..that are representative of our views, i will never buy another CMW, as you cant even use it as toilet paper as it is already covered in SHITE

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Without going into the details of the issues between the CMW, myself, and others on another site!! because its already well documented!! and that is not the issue here?? Deako and his business partner Mark are friends of mine ;) and Deako asked the members of this forum!! if it would be beneficial for their company to advertise in the CMW?? he now know's it would'nt.

Compo say's "to quote one of the senior CMW staff "i aren't one of them"(or words to that effect) refering to the hunting community, they aren't part of our community and only care about circulation,


In fact!! what was stated was!! "Wer'e not part of that community" and the comment was made made by a senior member of the Advertising dept, to me when I mentioned the working dog community?? No country magazine worth its salt is only about killing? its about scourcing information, education, promoting the lifestyle, uniting the people involved campaigning for that lifestyle to continue!! and most of all a weekly magazine for us to have support from?? Alas the Cmw is none of these things anymore!! it has lost it way and is now only interested in circulation revinue and profit from advertising OK it promotes and organises show's in the Summer, but, is that for our benefit!! is it feck!! its self promotion?? and self advertising for the CMW itself :whistle:


This forum and others like it!! have all the attributes that the CMW has lost over recent years!! "its become stale, divisive (see its disclaimer) and sits in its own comfort zone??? Where-as the Hunting life and other forums are promoting vibrant debate, discussion, promotion, a united front. and a future that includes campaigning for a continued lifestyle that includes hunting and other rural pursuits



Edited by Foxgun Tom
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I have it delivered on subscription every week, i think it's just about worth the money but the old Shooting News was much better. I guess their treading on eggshells all the time since the ban.

Some anticles are a bit weak, a recent article about a womans whippet/bedlington really did cross the line into anthropomorphic silly bollocks land.

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Guest craftycarper

i stopped buying it three weeks ago, as already stated it's all the same really full of adds and not enough articles. They also take up a lot of space and i had a bit of a shock when i added up the cost of all my mags sporting gun,cmw,fishing mags etc it's surpising how much a month it works out :icon_eek: . I just go in the shop now and if one of them has something of interest to read i will buy it, apart from that the moneys better off in my pocket to buy pellets etc. Lets face it pics, stories and advice on these forums is far better than whatever these mags can offer :)

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I used to love the old shooting news, phil lloyd, colin haynes daergi, that geordie fella with ferrets les white was it. And the plummer stuff was interesting to a niave 12 year old then. My favourite for readingwas daergi followed by phil lloyd who was a bit mad at times


I agree it is crap now


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Without going into the details of the issues between the CMW, myself, and others on another site!! because its already well documented!! and that is not the issue here?? Deako and his business partner Mark are friends of mine ;) and Deako asked the members of this forum!! if it would be beneficial for their company to advertise in the CMW?? he now know's it would'nt.

Compo say's "to quote one of the senior CMW staff "i aren't one of them"(or words to that effect) refering to the hunting community, they aren't part of our community and only care about circulation,


In fact!! what was stated was!! "Wer'e not part of that community" and the comment was made made by a senior member of the Advertising dept, to me when I mentioned the working dog community?? No country magazine worth its salt is only about killing? its about scourcing information, education, promoting the lifestyle, uniting the people involved campaigning for that lifestyle to continue!! and most of all a weekly magazine for us to have support from?? Alas the Cmw is none of these things anymore!! it has lost it way and is now only interested in circulation revinue and profit from advertising OK it promotes and organises show's in the Summer, but, is that for our benefit!! is it feck!! its self promotion?? and self advertising for the CMW itself :whistle:


This forum and others like it!! have all the attributes that the CMW has lost over recent years!! "its become stale, divisive (see its disclaimer) and sits in its own comfort zone??? Where-as the Hunting life and other forums are promoting vibrant debate, discussion, promotion, a united front. and a future that includes campaigning for a continued lifestyle that includes hunting and other rural pursuits




Thats a no then Tom?

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\'Shooting News\' was a class act and I don\'t think anything will ever be published again on a weekly basis to match it . Things began going downhill when Plummer began influencing things behind the scenes big time , that was when Tony Jackson (now of Shooting Times fame ) was a big nob in it . He tried bringing Plummer into Shooting Times also but thank f.k he popped his cloggs before he could do much damage .

Cu*trymans Weekly will never get over the damage Plummer did , they are catering for the readership he brought to it . The best reading in it at this time are the ads \' sad state of affairs but true .

As for advertising your product or company in this publication ? , well who are we to say if it could be successful or not there is only one way to find out and in buisness today you need every little help going I would think .

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Thanks again lads...as usual this is the only forum to provide dozens of HELPFUL replies right away. :clapper:


I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and thank you all for supporting our business during 2006, its really appreciated.


Cheers. :drinks:



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