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Why do so many lurchers get swopped about?

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all good answers and all true dont get me wrong a change in circumstance has happened to me twice and both times ive had to re home a dog and im still beating myself up about it 25 years later one was a lurcher dog i had when i lived in Ireland and i was made redundant so had to come back to england to my mothers so a lad i knew took it and worked it until it died after hitting a tree stump out on the lamp the other was a gsp gun dog and i got a job in saudi so one of my mates took him the lad left the north east to live down south so i never found out what happened to that dog.


The moral seems to be If your young or even old and wanting a dog think long and hard about what you need from the dog and what you can offer the dog

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Guest Buttermilk

I used to buy and sell motorbikes like some people go through bloody lurchers. Its a case of never been satisfied with what they have, always thinking there is something better around the corner. Too many people have the opinion.....if it doesn't work i won't keep it in my kennel, i have never owned a failure. Then again i haven't had that many dogs in all the years i have been hunting.....because to me there like one of the family..here to the end.To me its the owners that have failed, not the dog. People treat them like disposable commodities. It stinks.


totally agree with you wuyang



Me too...

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in one word 'patience'. Lack of patience in waiting for the right dog and lack of patience waiting for a pup to mature lack of patience waiting for the dog to mature lack of patience when training the dog and entering the dog especially to tougher quarry. Now that said I have fell down in all of the above but when i bought my first pup's both six weeks out of workin parents that i had seen work or knew for sure they were good old I reared them up put in the time and they made both decent dogs by most standards. I have reared another two since then one stil a work in progress but is making good shape. Alot of the lads i hunt with buy older dogs and sometimes they work out but mostly they dont. The longer you keep the pup the longer you will have the dog that is one am old school dog man i know says often. I vowed to never sell a dog again and never to buy anything over 8 weeks old. If i was forced to give up my dogs I would offer then to my best friends who keep their dogs right free of charge and if they declined i would put them to sleep. I dont believe in pet homes for working dogs. One final thing i would get rid of a woman before the dogs, and yes i am single at the moment.

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Seems to be lads out there,who cant turn down a pup either, may have a couple of dogs already,,hear bout pups for sale, breeding seems right, and just go for it, not understanding how much you need to put into a pup to get him to a high standard,,,lads spread themselves too lightly over too many dogs



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