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chuffin do gooders!!

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me and my younger bro went out lamping last night on some permission i have and at about half 10 i noticed a van pull at the top of the field and turn its lights off, so i thought nothing of it and carried on my way, i walked some of my permission and noticed the van had moved ahead of me so i went to see what the crack was! walked upto the van and an rspca inspector got out and started rambling on that it was illegal to course rabbit under artificial light :hmm: we ended up having a debate about what was legal and what was not and i seemed to know a lot more about it than him. he insisted on seeing the 3 rabbits i had and needless to say he drove off with a fly inhis ear lol, has anyone else been stopped by the rspca whilst ou working because it was news to me that it was illegal to rabbit course :laugh:



:feck: you rspca!!!

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I had an argument with them about rabbit coursing a few years before the ban came in it was hilarious as the dogs i had with me were only 5month old and was only walking them round breaking them to livestock so needless to say they were told to walk on before their face met my forehead and away they went not looking too happy feck them now i got a fecking do gooding feckin anti living next door which is fookin funny when you see her face when i walk in my garden with any kills

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FFS lads just ignore the fekers i would not waste my breath even talking to them just cock them a deffun if they pull you wile out.


Your spot on, to even aknowledge there presence you are somehow validating there authority.

They are at the end of the day just a member of the public in a uniform, no more no less.

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