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just bought my first long net (advice please)

air gun ant

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ok as above ive just bought my first long net its a deben 4z 45 metre so 50 yard i assume? i have been ferreting with purse nets for years but never used a long net. i have sourced 3 long hazel poles from work between 12 and 14ft long and from 2 inch to bout 1 inch in diameter they have been drying in the rafters for around ten years but are solid with no sighns of rot will these do for poles? what length should i cut them to? i would like to make it a quick set but dont really no how to attach the poles, is there anyone around lancaster that could help i have a few permissions? was also wondering how to put the net away do i need to buy a basket or can i manage without? i know practice is the main factor but dont really know were to start? any advise appriciated thanks in advance ant :thumbs:

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Your net probably wont have enough bagging / kill / slack, whatever you want to call it. Most commercial sold nets dont. The first thing to do would be to shorten up the head and foot lines and give the net more bag.


Your Hazel poles sound a bit thick at 1" - 2"....You can cut some thinner ones and use them now but they wont be as hard as seasoned ones.Cut a double batch and season some for next year anyway.


To attach your net to the poles, check the "How to make a cheap quickset longnet" which is pinned at the top of the longnetting forum. Then look up a clove hitch diagram on google and you should be well on your way.


And you dont necessarily need a basket, it makes things easier, but you dont need one. Try and get a dvd by Glen Waters, "The Art of Longnetting" That will hep you.

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cheers lads i no how to do a clove hitch, how can i tell how much bagging is in my net? i know 100% is the net being twice as long as as my head and foot lines but do i need to cut them and stretch out the net to check or is there an easyer way?

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  On 05/10/2010 at 09:02, air gun ant said:

cheers lads i no how to do a clove hitch, how can i tell how much bagging is in my net? i know 100% is the net being twice as long as as my head and foot lines but do i need to cut them and stretch out the net to check or is there an easyer way?



Just count the meshes, there should be 900 if there is 100% bag in the net. If it is less than 900 every 5 yards should have 90 meshes in it for 100% bag.




Edited to add:


However many meshes there are just divide them by 18 and that will give you the number of 100% rigged yards the net will make.



Edited by tiercel
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