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Guest Frank

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Very foggy this morning whilst out for some bunnys and it was that freezing fog where we were, in the arse end of nowhere. :laugh:


My Mk 3 was playing up again :no: have not got the batterys i orderd for the collars, hope they get here soon, so another reason we did not hang about in the razor cold fog.


Started off nice, got a couple of bolts and then the eastrly breeze picked up and started to go threw us, as the waiting began, rabbits decided to stay put. :blink::laugh:


We got only 3, 1 got away, ( hurry and grow whippet :D ) so headed back to the car to thaw out and have some hot soup.


called in for a hot one on the way back, in the local :drink: , then home for the fire. ;)


Pics below, they even look cold. :laugh:





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frank,are you taking out your whippet pup with you bud to see what its all about,if not you should,as it would do her the world of good.if i remember right you got her for the ferreting and since this will be her bread and butter get her exposed to sights,smells and sounds of a morning ferreting ;) proberly better on a milder morning mind as they wee whippets feel the cold,bless :D

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frank,are you taking out your whippet pup with you bud to see what its all about,if not you should,as it would do her the world of good.if i remember right you got her for the ferreting and since this will be her bread and butter get her exposed to sights,smells and sounds of a morning ferreting ;) proberly better on a milder morning mind as they wee whippets feel the cold,bless :D


he's too busy training the shit-zu :laugh::laugh::tongue2:

Good going again frank and nice pics as well

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Guest craftycarper

Nice one frank, but it's been said before, it's not the size of the bag but being out there (even though it was cold) that counts. I ain't been out in ages, but hopefully fingers crossed, fridays looking promising. Will post pics if all goes as planned, been getting a bit stir crazy indoors and can't wait till Christmas is out the bloody way........Humbug.... :blink::blink:

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:D Cheers folks.


gaz, you could be right, but as you said, yesterday she would of froze. :laugh:


The only thing i would be worried about, as she is only 4 months, is bolting rabbits that might slip the net, if she does not catch them, then it might put her off, what you reckon?


bigeddie, them fecking sit-zu's are nout to do with me :no: , honest :laugh::laugh:


craftycarper, i know the feeling, i cant get out now till next week :icon_eek: , as her self indoors, is gone christmas mad. :laugh:


Frank. ;)

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frank,i know what you mean about your corcerns about bolting rabbits,but when the ferrets are down get her leashed or restrained,better taking her on short trips at first,as she gets older and settles more take her on the longer days aswell,a good ferreting dog is worth its weight in gold,but to get to this standard its got a lot to learn.its not just a point and slip dog bud,respect for nets,marking occupied burries but to name a few skills she will need to have,her breeding will look after catching abilites,but she needs more strings to her bow than that to make a decent ferreting dog.say a bunny does bolt,take her to the burrie it made its escape to as she will have watched it too,unleash her on approach to the burrie and watch her reaction ;) hey presto thats her marking,plenty of praise as shes done well,just an example.so bud no need to rush her but they are never too green to make a start with,all for the best,good luck with her bud as she seems to be in good hands, ;)

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Sounds good gaz, thanks very much for that bit of advise. :good:


Might get her out for an hour some morning soon, she is good in the car and is fully inoculated, so no stoping her and seem ok when i tie her up for a short bit, so might just do that, but as you say, not for too long. ;)



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:D Cheers folks.


gaz, you could be right, but as you said, yesterday she would of froze. :laugh:


The only thing i would be worried about, as she is only 4 months, is bolting rabbits that might slip the net, if she does not catch them, then it might put her off, what you reckon?


bigeddie, them fecking sit-zu's are nout to do with me :no: , honest :laugh::laugh:

craftycarper, i know the feeling, i cant get out now till next week :icon_eek: , as her self indoors, is gone christmas mad. :laugh:


Frank. ;)


Sure..... lol


Why not breed some shit-zuxwhippet lurchers when the pups abit older, frank? :laugh::laugh:

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