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filters on lamps

Guest Magwitch

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Guest Magwitch

ive been using a red filter on my night searcher lamp but i am not having much luck the rabbits are quite lamp shy on this bit of ground do you think worth trying a different filter as i read a piece in the ST today and the bloke was using a blue filter or are they a waste of time :thumbs-up:

Edited by Magwitch
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ive been using a red filter on my night searcher lamp but i am not having much luck the rabbits are quite lamp shy on this bit of ground do you think worth trying a different filter as i read a piece in the ST today and the bloke was using a blue filter or are they a waste of time :thumbs-up:



Try green, I've found it pretty good........Al :thumbs-up:

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Guest JohnGalway
When the season is in full swing mate the rabbit's will become wise to any light sooner or later.. dog wise that is and i dont think it will be any differant with the rifle..

You could try the other colour's and they may work once or twice but you will soon be back in the same boat as you are with the red filter IMO .. the best thing to try and do is choose your night and select a dark blustery night instead of a quiet not so dark one..

Another thing you could do is try to lamp out the car window if possible as the bunnies seem to hang about a bit longer.. :good: ..





I tried red on my Lightforce 140, it was rubbish IMO, may work for others but not me, flirted with the idea of getting an amber but I'm not going to bother now. If you really wish to make a purchase I'd suggest a dimmer switch rather than a filter. I find if I give my wabbits a break for 5 days to a week a percentage of them will have forgotten all about the dangers of the lamp :thumbs-up:


I don't know what you're using to go after the rabbits with, dog, rifle, shotgun or airgun... I use a 12ga and the best nights for me are like Millet said, dark windy blustery nights so that the weather muffles all the commotion.


If you're using a rifle have you considered knocking off a few in early morning, late evening when it's still light? Not sure if you could get close enough on your ground for air gun, and I don't think shottie would work in the daytime tbh, always waiting to be corrected though :laugh:

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Guest oldskool

i found that colour change made absolutley not one ounce of difference... the new flip up green filter made no difference to the ground i go lamping on, the red one would have done rightly.... and cost me a tenner :cry::) ... apparently foxes only see in black and white... also theyre vision is only limited to movement!!! as for rabbits hares etc, they also only see in black and white so a change of filter colour will do very little in the way of tricking them... i would either recommend night vision or a dimmer switch for the lamp you have :) ... perhaps a change of where you enter the field you go to might help :hmm: ... i have a patch of ground and when i am driving along side it the rabbits are sitting aplenty... when the motor stops and the light goes on they are already vanished... my point being a change of routine could be an answer too

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Guest BlueRoo

well I've got nothin but praise for using filters ..in they areas I torch if I use a white light I wont have much luck due to critters awareness as everyone's flickin a white one on'em , but a red filter combined with a dimmer and away ya go again ...dimmer is magic with the filter turned way down low critters stay calm ! sounds like the bunnies in your area are highly educated so I don't think it would be worth changing filter colours probaly better off given'em a few weeks break then hitt'em hard :gunsmilie:

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