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back it up mate... pm me what you've taken in the xmas break.... And may i just say... happy new year...


I am here waiting mate.. You dont have to have pics, as i will believe you, as you wouldnt lie to yourself would you redcharge..




I have been called a lot of things in my time, but an "arselicker" thats funny, maybe my missus mate...

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That maybe so Dotty.........I had 16 rabbits one night about 6 of them bounced off fences I didn't come home and say I caught 10,you still have to have a dog to pressure them into the mistake imo

Took many a deer with the help of a fence.(pre ban).Never seen any shame in it.    

jonny the problem on here is.. The majority dont even hunt, you can usually tell them apart... They call peoples dogs(bang out of order), by this i dont mean whats going on on here. I mean. "your dogs

back it up mate... pm me what you've taken in the xmas break.... And may i just say... happy new year...


I am here waiting mate.. You dont have to have pics, as i will believe you, as you wouldnt lie to yourself would you redcharge..




I have been called a lot of things in my time, but an "arselicker" thats funny, maybe my missus mate...


I have taken absolutely fuckall in the xmas break RFYL :victory:

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back it up mate... pm me what you've taken in the xmas break.... And may i just say... happy new year...


I am here waiting mate.. You dont have to have pics, as i will believe you, as you wouldnt lie to yourself would you redcharge..




I have been called a lot of things in my time, but an "arselicker" thats funny, maybe my missus mate...


I have taken absolutely fuckall in the xmas break RFYL :victory:



ok, thats fair enough, and your man enough to hold your hand up. most wouldnt.. Maybe you had other commitments..i dont mate.. Atb. :thumbs:

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back it up mate... pm me what you've taken in the xmas break.... And may i just say... happy new year...


I am here waiting mate.. You dont have to have pics, as i will believe you, as you wouldnt lie to yourself would you redcharge..




I have been called a lot of things in my time, but an "arselicker" thats funny, maybe my missus mate...


I have taken absolutely fuckall in the xmas break RFYL :victory:




ok, thats fair enough, and your man enough to hold your hand up. most wouldnt.. Maybe you had other commitments..i dont mate.. Atb. :thumbs:


The whole of the country has had snow and ice for the past 5 weeks and since its melted the whole of the country has had nothing but fog, when the fog clears i'll be out amongst it :thumbs:

Edited by redcharge
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Here we go again :snack:




lol, dont think it could possibly go any further it has been exhausted... The only other thing we could clearly discuss is, "do you think that deer hung up, took it up the arse"!!

Well Russ I'll pinch something that you say quite often and don't go biting my head off :laugh:Do you know these boys and what they catch?They get plenty of game,I've been out with the litter brother to the dogs in the pic and I call him the "ninja beddy" quite a sight to watch for a small dog :yes:

I've heard off a few boys who've got nothing to gain by lying that them 2 beddy/whippets were doing it regular has they seen it with there own eyes :thumbs:



I jonny mate, i must agree. I never once said they were lying... A good story told is often followed with, #~"wow, thats unbelievable" correct me if i am wrong..

Very true Russ anything on here that people haven't witnessed is regarded as BS :thumbs:



jonny the problem on here is.. The majority dont even hunt, you can usually tell them apart... They call peoples dogs(bang out of order), by this i dont mean whats going on on here. I mean. "your dogs are shit" "they cant catch feck all" " i'd have um shot" that kind of bullshit. Then when this doesnt work, they threaten you,lol...


Or they come on and say a one liner, then have no proof what so ever to back up there theory......


example "beddywhippet cant catch deer end of" Its a fecking kid saying it. How many can he have possibly owned. Even if he had owned one, it may not have had the balls to tackle deer... How many can he have been out with, and how many deer could they have possibly ran in such a short life time... full of shit mate...



RFYL if you believe that them beddy/whippets have taken hundreds of fallow bucks at the age of 4 year old your the one who obviously doesnt do much :blink: Im not saying they couldnt take the odd one now and then that had bounced of a fence when they where helped out fairly quickly but hundreds at 4 year old get f*****g real :laugh:


I wont even mention the claim that they go to ground either :thumbs:



Redcharge, where the f**k did i say 100's, i didnt even say i beleived it mate.... get a grip, and its laughable you say i dont do much... stop talking bullshit, and go away, i dont even know who you are or where you have come from mate. Anyway, ATB for the new year, and happy hunting..



When I said it was hard to believe about the majority of bollocks on this thread you came out with some smart arse remark about that picture :yes: so if I go and take a pic of my mums two yorkies sitting next to a shot fallow buck would you believe that?? Stop writing arse licking threads about JD's books he doesnt need your help they sell themselves :thumbs: and get out amongst it and you will realise the majority of this thread is a fairytale ;)



lmao :thumbs::laugh:

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back it up mate... pm me what you've taken in the xmas break.... And may i just say... happy new year...


I am here waiting mate.. You dont have to have pics, as i will believe you, as you wouldnt lie to yourself would you redcharge..




I have been called a lot of things in my time, but an "arselicker" thats funny, maybe my missus mate...


I have taken absolutely fuckall in the xmas break RFYL :victory:




ok, thats fair enough, and your man enough to hold your hand up. most wouldnt.. Maybe you had other commitments..i dont mate.. Atb. :thumbs:


The whole of the country has had snow and ice for the past 5 weeks and since its melted the whole of the country has had nothing but fog, when the fog clears i'll be out amongst it :thumbs:



I hope you do... i dont let it stop me but each to there own... As soon as your grass is green, they'l be munching, get on top of um... :thumbs:

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Everyone who is saying NO, CAN NEVER HAPPEN (rather than not their choice for consistently doing it), is this because you have seen it put to the test and the dogs have failed or just because you dont THINK it can happen as you have never seen it and it seems unlikely? Just wondering because i know for a FACT that there are a couple of members on here who DEFINITELY KNOW it can happen with some consistency :thumbs::whistling: Just like i've never seen a bull x retrieve live to hand, but i'm willing to believe it can happen if the right man trains and runs the dog. :thumbs:


"bullmastiff" lurcher called roo used to mate.RIP roo poor bugger.

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do 'people' on this site actually know what there talking about? i run a bedlington whippet bitch a bedlington collie greyhound bitch and a saluki/whippet/collie/greyhound x deerhound/greyhound i cant fault the beddy for what she does, rabbits and rats and the odd charlie not single handedly although iv seen it done with a beddy x, there should be no argument wether a beddy x can or cannot take a deer because nobody should even think about it, if someone is soo keen too take deer then get something with deerhound in not a bedlington x which isnt bred for the job

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do 'people' on this site actually know what there talking about? i run a bedlington whippet bitch a bedlington collie greyhound bitch and a saluki/whippet/collie/greyhound x deerhound/greyhound i cant fault the beddy for what she does, rabbits and rats and the odd charlie not single handedly although iv seen it done with a beddy x, there should be no argument wether a beddy x can or cannot take a deer because nobody should even think about it, if someone is soo keen too take deer then get something with deerhound in not a bedlington x which isnt bred for the job




my beddywhippet x saluki is..... :whistling: and my beddy/grey x collie/grey :whistling:

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do 'people' on this site actually know what there talking about? i run a bedlington whippet bitch a bedlington collie greyhound bitch and a saluki/whippet/collie/greyhound x deerhound/greyhound i cant fault the beddy for what she does, rabbits and rats and the odd charlie not single handedly although iv seen it done with a beddy x, there should be no argument wether a beddy x can or cannot take a deer because nobody should even think about it, if someone is soo keen too take deer then get something with deerhound in not a bedlington x which isnt bred for the job



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i was wondering was it possible for 19" beddy/whippets to take deer regular pre ban single handed or doubled up? from what i have seen of the beddy crosses they certainly poses the bottle and determination, but would they be able to do it?


Wonder how many of the experts on here have actually seen a beddyxwhippet work, I dont know about regular, but I have see it done single handed, with no adverse effects to the dog. Admittedly the dog was 22" and not 19" as you asked.

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i was wondering was it possible for 19" beddy/whippets to take deer regular pre ban single handed or doubled up? from what i have seen of the beddy crosses they certainly poses the bottle and determination, but would they be able to do it?


Wonder how many of the experts on here have actually seen a beddyxwhippet work, I dont know about regular, but I have see it done single handed, with no adverse effects to the dog. Admittedly the dog was 22" and not 19" as you asked.

There are lots of dogs that can run a deer into a fence single handed, someone might have seen it done but lets face facts they are shit at catching deer

Edited by danman
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