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retrieve to hand

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ive got a pup about 4 month old and i want to train him to retrieve to hand can anyone give me some advice


Am training my pup now. I just throw a small teddy across the room when she brings it back plenty of praise or a treat the first time is the hardest once the pup has done it once and you praise it it will become seconed nature.also only do this 2 or 3 times as the pup will get board easy.

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ive got a pup about 4 month old and i want to train him to retrieve to hand can anyone give me some advice


try getting a book called the complete lurcher by plumber, its got a good chapter on retreiving :thumbs:

Or purdeys progress got every thing you need to no.

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thanks everyone massive help :)

some are naturals,some will never do it i got mine retrieving dummys from a pup but now he wont bring in his catch,i need not of bothered teaching him.lol it maybe come to him in time :thumbs:

too true mate its one thing getting your dog retrieving dumies but bunnies are a whole different ball game :wallbash:

Edited by daveyace
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thanks everyone massive help :)

some are naturals,some will never do it i got mine retrieving dummys from a pup but now he wont bring in his catch,i need not of bothered teaching him.lol it maybe come to him in time :thumbs:



loads a reasons why they stop mate, keep at it tho :thumbs:

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thanks everyone massive help :)

some are naturals,some will never do it i got mine retrieving dummys from a pup but now he wont bring in his catch,i need not of bothered teaching him.lol it maybe come to him in time :thumbs:


I know where your coming from.


My nine month old lurcher will retreive a tennis ball all day long.I have now moved him onto rabbit furs which he will bring back although it does take abit more persuading.


He has killed two rabbits latley neither of which he was prepared to bring back.Although i do beleive his retreiving of live game should improve after a few more kills.


On the other hand another lurcher i had would retreive live to hand even jumping obstacles and swimming across water if it was necessary.No training was given.She would have been the ideal dog to bring a pup on with.She was just one of them pure naturals that wanted to please. :hmm:

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iv got a saluky grey bitch, iv never done any retreving training with her what so ever. she retreves rabbits live to hand every time and she's soft mouthed. :icon_eek: just goes to show that sometimes you can do too much and it isnt needed :thumbs:

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find what it likes best. be it, a teddy, a ball, a piece of wood, shoe, sock etc.. let it have it all the time when relaxing.. then do the usual, "not read a book" but get familiar with your animal.. play the throwing game but dont over do it.. praise, throw, praise, treat, throw, praise...Always be the boss.


A lot of dogs do give up on retreiving... And if so, its back to basics, alone, you and your animal. Give it the respect it deserves, and it will give back... A dog will give you 100% if you do the dog...The main caurse of a dog not retreiving even tho it has been taught, is when it goes working with other dogs..if it is the case. Go away, and start again...alone... you and your dog, bonding, never shouting, if it doesnt work that day. Leave and try the next.. play the game what the dog wants to play as long as it is retrieving you are half way there. Atb Russ

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If the dog keeps dropping it short or at your feet.Try walking away just before the hand over.Tell the dog to heal.Most dogs will keep hold as long as your moving in front off them.stop tell the dog to sit and try taking it then.May take a day or two.But this often works for me.:thumbs:

Edited by Catcher 1
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dry a rabbit skin put a pair of socks inside stich skin round it and use this,never leave im or her with it just throw it when they fetch back do the same again never walk towards the dog,if they hesitate walk backwards calling the dog same as others have said dont do too much,and never shout at the dog,they dont forget.cheers john.

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