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ideal rifle to start with

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That my friend would depend on a number of variables :yes:


1st do you want a Spring gun (a shooters shooter) or a PCP (what shooters graduate to and become very lazy with :whistling: ) or Co2


2nd what sort of frame do you have, are you short medium or tall, wimp, normal or muscleman stature?


3rd what kind of budget do you have? (often the deciding factor)


I personally would recomend a springer to begin with. As they are often cheaper than the pcp route AND they you get a superb sence of achievement when you pull of the perfect shot :D


The cons of a springer are that there is the recoil to contend with (hence the sence of achievement). On the other side of the coin though, the recoil helps you become a much better marksman (IMHO). There is no recoil with a pcp or co2 (so we get lazy)



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I started off with a springer that i got from my local dealer for 90 quid, got it about 2 years ago but have only just decided to hunt with it, hopefully upgrading to a PCP when the money comes along and after ive spent a bit of time out with the springer :gunsmilie:




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What kind of springer do you currently use?


And what you say is a very good thing :yes:


If its a PCP your after and your sort of medium build then the AA S200 is a good 1st pcp ;)

When you've got the dosh and have spent many an hour in the gymnasium, then the HW100 is a pretty good second place contender :tongue2: :tongue4: :tongue2:





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hi matey


well in my experience i started with a springer (mod60) 11.2 vey acurate nice looking not to heavy not to light just right,cost me 130 brand new from ian coley cheltenham,then moved to the mod85xth dont get one thats all i will say.not to long moved to pcps my first was a bsa ultra 22 brilliant rifle small but deadly accurate,now my wife just brought me the air arms s400 best single shot out there in my eyes.


so basically is your choice but i would start with a springer as they have recoil and it will in prove your accuratcy where as pcp dont have recoil.


good luck with your choice pal


also forgot to mention try these sights they still deliver air rifles,


shooting shack



but i would say go to allsports gloucester the best gun smith you will find in gloucestershire very nice men and they have a wide choice of springers/pcps


atb steve

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