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Fecking Morons

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Just picked up my Local Paper.On the Front Page was a Story about an 83yr old Pensioner in His Mobility Scooter who was out with his Elderly Wire Haired Terrier When he Came Across two Fecking Morons who Set their Dogs(10 of them)onto the Old Gents Terrier.Sadly the Terrier Died a Horrific Death.Sadly the Police don't have a Very Good Description of the Morons.I walk my Lurcher that way Most Days.I just hope they come Across me and try to do the Same. :censored::censored::censored:

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It's about time something was done about the chavvy, loutish c**ts in this country. :yes: Years of left leaning hand wringing has led to a generation (or a large part of it) growing up not learning about there being consequences for their actions. :angry:

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I should imagine they had fat staffs that if tested are probably about as game as a yorky. Needed somthing to brag about so set about an old boy and his dog. Maybe a few lads with a bullx or 2 should take a walk out with the old boy... I cant think of a better reason for a spot of vermin control.

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the poor old lad, as already said probably his best mate,


something similar happened me but i was on the guilty end, i was walking 3 lurchers in my local park, had a look around could'nt see any one so let them off for a run, one of them shot off and i looked under a bridge there was a bloke in a wheel chair walking (no pun intended) his dog, my dog is normaly friendly but i ran over and just as i got there my dog grabbed his dog by the arse, i got his collar to choke him off but i got bitten by his dog trying to stop my other lurchers grabbing its head, my dog let go and his dog ran out of the park and he shot off after it,

i got a few nice dabs in the hand, but i never felt as bad in my life

i went to all the local vets and gave them my number and the story, got a phonecall a week later, paid the bill and he was sound about it,

but my point is that could have been made into a big deal by the media, LESSON LEARNED :icon_redface:

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That's bloody awful... Makes me feel really sick to think of it :cry: That poor old man... :no:


Salclalin - look out for your lurcher if there's 10 of them, but if you happen to find out who they are and have a few handy mates who just happen to see the fuckwits one dark night... well, anything could happen really, couldn't it? It would be really tragic if anything bad happened to these yobs. :censored:

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f*****g terrible that.............what bothers me is the fact that you never here off anything getting done about it. I mean this old boy you would think should have some family members that could get together and sort this out, i'm sure if it happened to someone in my family the boys would be rounded up and the twats would be getting 7 different shades of shite kicked out of them.. :censored:

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Fekin disgracefull.Theirs been another report of two staffies in leeds attacking and injuring another guide dog the fekin morons with these dogs should be banned for life from keeping them pluss have to pay the full cost wat it takes to train these dogs wich must run into thousands:censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:

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the government needs to f****n double the prison places available take another 80000 off the street for minumum of 6 months for the slightest offence that have a history of anti social general nobbish behaviour especially to the older generation this country is f****d whats it gonna be like when the kids these are dragging up are running riot on the street and these are the adaults

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