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A fox for the wall...

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Long story cut short I'd be interested to hear what you think about a skull and brush mount for the wall in the home... would you be happy to receive one as a gift or do you think its a shit idea?


I took a fox recently at a relatives wood, a dog in perfect condition. Now I wouldn't know where to start with taxidermy and certainly couldn't afford to get it done properly so decided on a compromise which I hope works... I reccon my relative would like it but basically want an excuse to keep it myself :laugh: I thought I'd put up my process for those interested... I'm sure there are better methods but i'm guessing here.


1) Get your fox - shoot, dig, run, snare etc... lets not get into which is best :cheers:


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2) The Tail:


Sleeve off the fox leaving the bone behind. Pickle emmersed in Meths for around two weeks. Remove, dry off and wash with a generous dollop of the wifes best shampoo... just don't get caught nicking it :black eye: Find and appropriate stopper for the end or just tie off.


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3) The Head - Prep


The grizzley bit - No photo's as it ain't pretty. Take the head off at the atlas joint and de-flesh it. I find it easier to start at the lips and work back over the head to the ears. The eyes are not en-circled in bone like deer so these come out quite easily. The jaw comes off with a bit of juditious cutting either side of the head and gullet - which also allows removal of the tongue. The skull is tiny in comparison to the actual head so you'll need to trim a fair amount of mustle. The brain can be removed by wiggling an appropriatly sized stick in the cavity and shaking it out.


4) Boiling Out


Boil the head for aroud 1/2 hour... without going all 'Gordon Ramsey' a slow simmer is better than a 'fast boil' as the teeth don't fall out and bone doesn't get too brittle. The meat/sinue and other shite will shrink as it cools making it harder to take off so keep dunking it back in the hot water every now and the whilst scraping away the remaining bits. If you have a pressure washer it would be a lot easier otherwise you'll find yourselves using you fingernails after a while. You should be left with a nice clean head.


5) Bleaching


The easy bit - wrap the thing in toilet paper and place in a container that you don't mind getting fecked up. Pour Hydrogen Peroxide all over and leave for at a day or so. You can buy this from any chemist for about a quid a bottle. There are different strenghts of this stuff (3% - 12%) the stronger the better but it'll make you dance if you get it on your fingers... for gods sake don't get it on the 'old chap' if you nip for a piss :shok:


4) Mounting


The remotely challenging bit - hence the pictures:


Drill throught the base of the skull where you want to attack it to the shield (actually very easy).


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Attach the jaw to the skill by drilling through both when alligned correctly - this is easier said than done.


Using a fine wire joind the two together - I found this infuriating.. probably as the wire i was using was quite thick.


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The skull can then be attached to the shield and tail to the back of the shield by any appropriate means.


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Typical... not enough space for the last pic...

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why oh why didnt you go and see the chap in farrington gurney hes a good taxiderist and doesn t charge the earth and you can pay on the drip



anyway leave them foxes alone THERE MINE


Didn't know about him mate :wallbash: don't worry about your fox's bud - this fella is from Dorset way :tongue2:

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crazy, but as a kid, I had no worries on boiling all sorts of "heads" for my collection, maybe my nose aint what it used to be, but I now simple burry them in a bucket, and let the worms strip it for me, takes a few months longer, but they aint going nowhere :thumbs:

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crazy, but as a kid, I had no worries on boiling all sorts of "heads" for my collection, maybe my nose aint what it used to be, but I now simple burry them in a bucket, and let the worms strip it for me, takes a few months longer, but they aint going nowhere :thumbs:


How long would it need to be buried for it to be completely stripped down to the bone do you think mate?

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i like the job done on the skull, will hydrogen peroxide do the same job on goat horns? as ive a massive goat skull sat in my spare bedroom with horns nearly 3ft belonging to it and id like to clean it and mount it, also should i re-attach the bottom jaw? few teeth missing from it so im undecided as regards bottom jaw.

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i like the job done on the skull, will hydrogen peroxide do the same job on goat horns? as ive a massive goat skull sat in my spare bedroom with horns nearly 3ft belonging to it and id like to clean it and mount it, also should i re-attach the bottom jaw? few teeth missing from it so im undecided as regards bottom jaw.


You dont need bottom jaw. Try and get a rectangular mount as they look superb with goats. Peroxide the skull but try and leave the horns or they will bleach too. :victory:

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i like the job done on the skull, will hydrogen peroxide do the same job on goat horns? as ive a massive goat skull sat in my spare bedroom with horns nearly 3ft belonging to it and id like to clean it and mount it, also should i re-attach the bottom jaw? few teeth missing from it so im undecided as regards bottom jaw.


You dont need bottom jaw. Try and get a rectangular mount as they look superb with goats. Peroxide the skull but try and leave the horns or they will bleach too. :victory:


horns detach ok, ive given them bit of a scrub already with washing up liquid and warm water, when i finish the job i'll get my nephew to upload a few pics

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