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Lump under ferrets tongue

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Just noticed a large lump under the tongue on one of my ferts, not sure how to tell if it is an abscess or something mre serious like a tumour, is there any easy way of telling, I will get it to the vets in the morning as it looks like it may start causing problems for it.




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Thanks the replies, she is a good worker, I only have two, so she is half of the team ! just booked her in with the vet, it does feel quite solid, not like am abscess, so will have to see what the vet reckons. Could'nt see any bits of bone or anything similar.




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Had it to the vets, turned out to be a blocked gland, drained the lump of saliva, Vet advised how to drain it if it does the same thing again. Glad I brought it back home, was'nt looking forward to an empty carrying box.


Thanks for the advice


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Had it to the vets, turned out to be a blocked gland, drained the lump of saliva, Vet advised how to drain it if it does the same thing again. Glad I brought it back home, was'nt looking forward to an empty carrying box.


Thanks for the advice




Glad it's a happy outcome, mate :)

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