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The three from the other night

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Well managed to get out with the new scope the other night as it had stopped raining and with a bit of wind and good cloudes off we go to the fust farm.

we had seen a couple here a couple of weeks ago but the things wouldnt cume out of the barley so with that in mind off we went to the first field and nothing. second filld and nothing in fact there was nothing in the whole area so we went to the next farm but still nothing only a couple of rabbits so we went a couple of miles down the road to my cousins farm and first field we sene the wild one no chance of a shot as she wos off as usual but as i span the lamp threre wos one on in the hedge and with a couple of squeeks she was in rainge 180 yards and bang 55grans of whinchester hit its mark so off we went to inspect the damage and as we got there we scaned the next field and theer he was. bang and one more so we gave a cuple off scweeks and we could see a pair of eyes in the distant so off we went and we got to 270 yards looked through the scope and the fox was curled up only his head in view so i gave him a go and bang strate through his eye so not a bad night after all.36181_1494704200470_1020001202_31137869_2662762_n.jpg62429_1493366567030_1020001202_31136368_4249148_n.jpg

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