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  On 01/10/2010 at 20:01, liam mc said:
  On 01/10/2010 at 17:56, Attack Fell Terrier said:
  On 01/10/2010 at 14:26, liam mc said:

thanks again lads spring pole might work


The Spring Pole is a good work out for them, but like I said some pay it no interest at all, others will only want to rag on it a bit through jealousy after seeing another dog having a bash at it, some love it no matter what you attach to it and will get a good work out from it :good: .


Using a pelt usually gets them going barmy though.

Thanks mate ill try that cos no amount of running tyres him out will help develop otger muscle also thank again


I try not to over do it with the spring pole though, I don't want them getting bored of it. I'll let a terrier on it for 10 - 15 minutes, 2 times a week.

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  On 01/10/2010 at 20:23, liam mc said:
  On 01/10/2010 at 20:10, mouse said:

why use all these f*****g gimmicks when the dog is bred to work.get it out doing what its bred to do and it will rest after that.

Because hes only a pup

they all have to start sometime.if he is full of beans then give him some work.right time of year to start him.

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when our zak, was a pup, i walked him a mile or 2 and increased every week,and have always and still do take him to a woodland and throw sticks deep into the wood on a steepish hill, and he returns up with it,built him up a treat. and i make sure we walk back to cool him down,and i work him when poss, once a week or more, and he is a barf dog to, they are working dogs and need to be worked, :toast: CHAMPION DOG MINE! good look with the exercise fella.

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  On 01/10/2010 at 22:03, Attack Fell Terrier said:
  On 01/10/2010 at 20:10, mouse said:

why use all these f*****g gimmicks when the dog is bred to work.get it out doing what its bred to do and it will rest after that.


Gimmicks? What, a spring pole? How about out of season, do you not do anything to get your dogs fit for the season?

they work with a minkhound pack all summer ,2 days a week.the other days they are out with me on the estate all day where they get plenty to do. :thumbs:

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  On 02/10/2010 at 18:24, mouse said:
  On 01/10/2010 at 22:03, Attack Fell Terrier said:
  On 01/10/2010 at 20:10, mouse said:

why use all these f*****g gimmicks when the dog is bred to work.get it out doing what its bred to do and it will rest after that.


Gimmicks? What, a spring pole? How about out of season, do you not do anything to get your dogs fit for the season?

they work with a minkhound pack all summer ,2 days a week.the other days they are out with me on the estate all day where they get plenty to do. :thumbs:


Bang on, but unfortunately not everyone are as fortunate as yourself.


All the best for the season.

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