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alryt lads and lasses im asking this question because i want the dog to be at his best so which dog food out of these 3 are the best to use redmills racer, redmills tracker or redmills excell ive been useing redmills racer but ive been told off a couple of dog lads that i know that redmills excell is the best as it puts good ingredients into the dogs and makes them better and they also say u can tell by the dogs performance wats your opion

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well if you do your research mate i am sure you will find that depending on the condition of your dog and what your fitness will be in the neer future you should mix the redmills food to the right ratio (might be worth a look ) im sure i read this somewhere once. but then agen i also once thought i was a chicken but hey worth a look :thumbs:

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Wats barf lyk


feeding raw has made my dogs look 100% better than when i fed dry stuff.. the amount of waste is a fraction of the amount when they were fed dry food .. they dont smell anywhere near as doggy either making the house a much more pleasant place to live :laugh:

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Wats barf lyk


feeding raw has made my dogs look 100% better than when i fed dry stuff.. the amount of waste is a fraction of the amount when they were fed dry food .. they dont smell anywhere near as doggy either making the house a much more pleasant place to live :laugh:


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Wats barf lyk

It stands for "Biologically appropriate raw food" and I think it tries to copy what a wild wolf would eat. It's based on raw meat and bone (frozen for a few weeks first to kill worms). Some pureed vegetables are added to mimic gut contents.

It sounds like a perfect diet but I must confess I'm too lazy to feed it and too mean to buy an extra freezer. My dogs have to make do with Redmills Racer with occasional bits of meat, fish or bones and some table scraps.

Edited by Maximus Ferret
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It sounds alryt but I don't know anywere that sels it

i just make up my own "barf" using various meat,offal,bone , fats oils , veg bought cheaply from local butchers and abbatoirs , i find it works well for my dogs , especially what comes out of them , althought i like to feed raw i do use beta greyhound as a back up and mixer when needed

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i use racer on my dogs and there in great nic! i was told that changing meal is good for them every few months so i tried it. one of the dogs started to lose hair on his back legs, been back on racer now for about 2 or 3 weeks and the hair is nearly back to how it was! they get racer everyday but also get raw meat about 4 or 5 time a weeks. i thnk its good stuff!

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