mike1458 14 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 I love the way that the people who accuse people of being 'keyboard hunters' have hundreds if not thousands of posts them selves. Take a look at your selves before judging people. And f**k it, I will have my say on the matter. Yes the dog did wrong, but could have been corrected. Big woop you got 60 plus permissions. So have I. Whats your point? If you didnt want to risk working the dog on your permission, how about get rid of it to a pet only home. Just crazy how a dog can be so loyal and get pts sleep over it. Next time you f**k up, I will put you to sleep!! ATB Mike Quote Link to post
francolin 449 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 I have to say... what a sorry state of affairs.. Are you saying that just because a dog kills a sheep when you're out coursing reynard, that means that there isn't really decent and rewarding homes out there for lurchers, just because they might only be able to course rabbits on arable farms?? makes me sick that you could play god with an obviously normal dogs life!!! It's people like you that give 'hunters' a bad name as being archaic killers. You wander why m.p's are winning the fight against hunting.. If we don't respect our dogs, how can you respect it's quarry. It's your fault entirely... Don't run your dogs anywhere near sheep...moving targets end up with dead dogs When they crash... thats if it survives your HAIR TRIGGER!!! shut up you soft cun..i live in wales im surrounded with sheep we hunt around sheep,where am i supposed to hunt her in the SHOW RING..and i will not pass sheep killing dogs around or jibbers like some people out there,if there was more genuine terrier&lurcher men in this country that only kept and used the best thats available to them then most of the terrier&lurcher breeds woulndt be fuc..up like they are now !and has for causing m.ps to win the war just take a look at some picture pre ban or not thats up on this site and others on the web people have been digging big holes for themselves for a very long time,matter of fact ever since twats have pictures on their mob phones and showing people in pubs and blutoothing to every fu..ker...how good their dog is BOLLOCKS..but thanks for you comment i will take it on board..NOT your dog your choice,but why post outcome on here ,seems as stupid as pics on phones ect. Quote Link to post
milo 74 Posted September 30, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 I love the way that the people who accuse people of being 'keyboard hunters' have hundreds if not thousands of posts them selves. Take a look at your selves before judging people. And f**k it, I will have my say on the matter. Yes the dog did wrong, but could have been corrected. Big woop you got 60 plus permissions. So have I. Whats your point? If you didnt want to risk working the dog on your permission, how about get rid of it to a pet only home. Just crazy how a dog can be so loyal and get pts sleep over it. Next time you f**k up, I will put you to sleep!! ATB Mike You daft cu..t the bitch took the ewes windpipe out..how the fuc.. can you correct that,and the point i make on the permission is farmers talk in mrkt and so forth, and if word got out i had sheep killers id loose the fu..lot,and id be fu..if i give it away for a pet..! what if she takes hold of a young child by the windpipe...you talking shit and obviosly dont take you hunting very seriosly has my self and the team i hunt with... 1 Quote Link to post
milo 74 Posted September 30, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 Not bein funny milo but you sound a right t*t.. You might be gettin praise from a few members but if the dog was doin its job as good as you say then I think your talkin shit. If that was the dogs first mistake an you have took that power of puttin her to sleep then be honest an say the dog had other faults.. If this thread I to make people look at it an think ( hey he knows what he's doin he's a PROPER dog man) then your a fool.. It's happened to every lurcher man in the country at some point an trust me with abit of work it can be sorted. Especially if the land you hunt is full of sheep as you have said that would give me more motivation to try an sort it out. An also you goin on about keyboard hunters you have typed the worse thread I have seen for a while. Sort your head out an either admit the bitch was S*IT or you are a JOKE!!! ... An people askin for a poll on if Milo has done the right thing. Then I hope underneath it then there will be another poll. Askin how many people have had dogs that have had hold of a sheep an have managed to sort it out. I could name a few members straight away.. End of the day bitch must have had alot more faults than your makin out. All the best!!... The bitch did have 2 faults 1 she pulled on a lead when out lamping..2..she wasnt trained to jump...i could have lived with that but killing sheep on the hill i coulndt,i must say i bought the bitch in to my kennells at the begin of jan,and im not knocking the person i had her off but she never ever botherd with stock...and has for everyone that i know who keeps proper working dogs if it happend to them the same out come would happen,there was no way on earth she could have been sorted and before you say "electric collar"dont bother lurchers aint dull they know when they have the dummy collar on and when its off,and if you cant trust you lurchers out of sight then its pointless having them... Quote Link to post
Simoman 110 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 Difficult one and only you know the dog but I would of goneback to basics. Yesterday my 18mth old lurcher gave chase for 30 yards on a flock of jumpy sheep, I recalled him and praised him for the recall although I was very unhappy he even started a half hearted chase, I will now take him back to basics again BUT he has never taken a mouthfull of wool, down to personal preference and knowing your dog in the end, if you think its youthfull exuberance or serious prey drive????????? Quote Link to post
jac 12 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 what concerns me was that she was only two. In my experience dogs are still pups at two. Still not fully under control even if we like to think they are. I would have put her back in the kennels for 6 months And done more training. Get her concentrating on what she is meant to be hunting. She was in the rush bed you say,and the weather wasn't the best with a bit of hill fog and light rain. That sheep could have startled her if she came upon it suddenly or even gone for her if she also startled it. And being still a pup she just did what came first in her head. If she was an older dog I would be more understanding. But a youngster at two years old.? I think YOU did what she did, panicked and went in for the kill. Only you should have know better , just my opinion mate Quote Link to post
milo 74 Posted September 30, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 Difficult one and only you know the dog but I would of goneback to basics. Yesterday my 18mth old lurcher gave chase for 30 yards on a flock of jumpy sheep, I recalled him and praised him for the recall although I was very unhappy he even started a half hearted chase, I will now take him back to basics again BUT he has never taken a mouthfull of wool, down to personal preference and knowing your dog in the end, if you think its youthfull exuberance or serious prey drive????????? Simoman..if i have a young terrier/lurcher pup in, the first year i spend with them is the basics..every other day i take them around stock"mainly sheep/ horses/cattle"they almost always give chase but nothing too bad and then i correct them,leave it a day then go back around the stock 10 times out of ten if you correct them right the first time they very rarley go back for secounds,but when they start taking game especially lurchers corsing bunnies and things..then i get back on top of them and get them back around stock has their hunting instict starts to kick in and they think everything that runs is "fair game"..the bitch in question actully killed a ewe and i just knew from that moment "no matter what anyone says"she coulndt be trusted if she had just gave chase or took a hold a would have sorted it out but the way she took and killed this ewe i wasnt going down that road.. Quote Link to post
mad terrier 9 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 id have pts, too many livestock round here not to. you would soon get a reputation here if you didnt put a livestock worrier down and pay compensation.. farmers talk and they'd be comsiderably less welcomeing, arable land is rare round these parts so that isnt an option, land isnt good enough for crops. Quote Link to post
mushroom 13,304 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 All these people saying it should of gone to a pet home, shelter etc wake up a dog that has been worked is very unlikely to forget that and some prat who doesn't have a clue is likely to get that dog in trouble I've just had my terrier given to someone as a pet by the ex (long story ). The mong who now has him doens't have a clue the dogs on a harness so he now thinks he's the king of the roost he's gone for cats. The dog is wild how long before something bad happens because of this new owners ignorance??? Yes I'm in the process of getting the dog back I'm reporting him as stolen as he's chipped, but the point is once a worker always a worker and only someone with knowledge should be alowed to rehome such a dog. Quote Link to post
milo 74 Posted September 30, 2010 Author Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 All these people saying it should of gone to a pet home, shelter etc wake up a dog that has been worked is very unlikely to forget that and some prat who doesn't have a clue is likely to get that dog in trouble I've just had my terrier given to someone as a pet by the ex (long story ). The mong who now has him doens't have a clue the dogs on a harness so he now thinks he's the king of the roost he's gone for cats. The dog is wild how long before something bad happens because of this new owners ignorance??? Yes I'm in the process of getting the dog back I'm reporting him as stolen as he's chipped, but the point is once a worker always a worker and only someone with knowledge should be alowed to rehome such a dog. good luck in getting the dog back Quote Link to post
iceman001979 1,316 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 just asking you said there was bit off fog and that how do you know a hare rabbit fox didnt get up run through where the sheep was lying and dog just got mixedup?? seen this happen before. imoa should give the dog good kicking would not look at another one once ok could be mistake twice then you know yea have prop dog only 2 year old can easy be fixed if we all started putted dogs down over one bad thing vets be loaded or be gun shots every where day and night Quote Link to post
cramp 4 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 MILO the only thing you done wrong was put it on HERE i think you done the right thing if your permission has got mainly sheep no good having a dog that nails them Quote Link to post
SHanded. . 110 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 All I know is that it's a common thing with lurchers an plenty of work sorts it out. Maybe the dog was penned up all summer an was very keen to get started. You obviously don't do as much as your makin out because this would never have happened. Admit your tryin to be recognised as a responsible DOG MAN when really your makin yourself look a right fool... If the dog was renoun for doin it then fair enough but you keep sayin it's the first time she has took an interest the first time could have been the last time if you knew what you was doin. Now your responsible for a dead ewe an a keen Lurcher this my last on this thread because the litlle p*icks gettin what he wants ATTENTION!!! .... All the best Quote Link to post
Guest chook Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 All these people saying it should of gone to a pet home, shelter etc wake up a dog that has been worked is very unlikely to forget that and some prat who doesn't have a clue is likely to get that dog in trouble I've just had my terrier given to someone as a pet by the ex (long story ). The mong who now has him doens't have a clue the dogs on a harness so he now thinks he's the king of the roost he's gone for cats. The dog is wild how long before something bad happens because of this new owners ignorance??? Yes I'm in the process of getting the dog back I'm reporting him as stolen as he's chipped, but the point is once a worker always a worker and only someone with knowledge should be alowed to rehome such a dog. Ive seen plenty of x workers rehomed in to pet homes some of them homes are first time lurcher owners it dosent make a jot of difference, what does make a difference is the rescue that rehomes the dog picks the right home, stock worriers have come through rescue and have been rehomed in to the correct home ie away from any stock, them dogs are happy - well loved and loving life. My first lurcher is an x worker - i had never owned a lurcher before, she has killed cats, before she came to me, shes never been stock broken ive walked her around sheep, ive had her around cats (well shes no choice realy - i own a cat) she now ignores both and has never been thrashed or beaten - before i got her she had smashed her hip, and could never be worked again - shes not unhappy at not being worked she gets unhappy if she dosent get her grub, but thats about it - at the grand old age of 16 - shes happy to just lounge around and i have to drag her out of bed in a morning. If i was you i would see a solicitor, as a chip isnt proof you own the dog, you just own the chip thats all, you will have to take it to cival court to try and get the dog back, and then your not garenteed to get it back. Its just been in the neswpaper about a bloke who had his dog stolen, the dog is chipped, he's been through the court and lost, he cant have his dog back - the only way to prove you own a dog is by tatoo. Milo - just because a dog has killed a sheep - does not mean it will attack a child. Quote Link to post
chris strilciw 1 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Share Posted September 30, 2010 some people on this site make me laugh really give it a good thrashing or use an electric coller seen 1 of the hardest dogs take a sheep got um off he got a real good thrashing then and elcetric coller straight on him at top level and all he done was got straight back up and on to same sheep so stop kidding urself that it wouldnt happen again, and people saying think of the dog it dose its best for you thats correct it dose but then to put a dog to a pet only home who has worked all its days is no life is it, you done the right thing mate cause not only was it your dog the ground you run has sheep on it which is the farmers life he loses his sheep he losses money not just about the dog, so good luck with ur other 2 but i would have done the same, but R.I.P to the bitch in question Quote Link to post
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