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big fox

Guest baldie

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Had an hour out with cragman last night, and took this fine specimen at around a 100 yards with the .204. He was as fat as butter, and obviously just fed, but a couple of lip squeaks brought him out of the gorse patch he was hiding in.



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Craggie usually has a spring balance in his pocket, Ditchy, but he,d forgotten it.The fox wasnt over heavy, funnily enough, but it was big, i,m six foot tall, and the fox is right at my side in the pic.He was one of last years cubs, all his teeth etc, broad in the head, but snipey in the muzzle.Another twelve month on his back, and he would have been one of them foxes that mangles all but the best terriers.

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I hit him smack between the front legs Millet, he was stood facing me, heres the exit. :blink:





Youre right, he wasnt heavy for his size, he should have been over 20lb really, but a beautiful specimen, but also very stupid.To be honest, i was looking him over for any operation scars etc.

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Your putting me on the spot there buddy.I dont keep records , as such, but the last fox, i remember missing, was one of two, i missed that night.I was out with Vim down on his patch, and had to take a standing shot, without sticks, at a fairly short range of possibly only 30 to 40 yards, but i fluffed it, also missed one later in the night , due to misjudging the wind.We shot 7 that night, i recall.This was a couple of years ago now, i dont think i,ve missed one since, with the .204, and i reckon, i,ve had over 70 with it, which isn,t a lot really in two years.Out of those 70, i,ve only lost two, due to bad shots, on my part, and which , unfortunatly, left wounded foxes, the rest have been bang-flops, you dont get the cartwheeling effect, that a .223 can sometimes produce.I know i,ve missed a couple with the .223 in this period, its harder to use at long range than the .204, which is why i dont use it much.I dont want this post to sound big headed, or make me out to be a supershot....i,m not, but i wont take a shot at a fox, unless i,m 100% certain, i,m going to kill it, because otherwise, its then educated, and thats very sloppy in my book, it makes the job, twice as hard.The odds are always stacked in my favour, ie, shoot from a comfortable vehicle, or off the bonnet with a bipod etc, i now will not take an unsupported shot, at the very least, off sticks, its the only way to factor out the "miss" variables.

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