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My ferret pics

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Here's the little monkeys eating a quail. They were about ready to drop their litters at this time - the polecat dropped 7 last Tuesday, but no sign from the albino. She's past due, dropped her coat a while back and seems slim again lately - but no kits, no blood, no swelling or stretching of the vulva, no remains of kits... nowt! :no:


Dunno what's happened with that one - her teats have disappeared an' all. Thought if she'd eaten em there'd be some blood traces, changes to her vulva etc but it's just like she was never pregnant, bar the hair loss (and teats when she had them). Maybe a phantom? She's not come back on heat though:unsure:


Anyroad, greedy little sods that they are:





Wouldn't mind but that albino is a smashing worker, never laid up, does the business nicely - decent size too. Reminds me of them old "Greyhound/Whippet ferrets" :11:


The polecat's surprised me. This is her first litter and she's doing great. Zero aggression (lets me stroke her in the nest and I've only been looking after her for a mate since two weeks ago!!), hand feeds from me, very vigilant towards feeding and cleaning the young 'uns, grand little lass :good:





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