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Urgent help


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Just got the ferts out for a little run around in the lounge, noticed a lump in one of there ears. Looks a White grey round nodule any ideas?


Don't get me wrong guna take him to the vets asap not looking for experienced vetenary advice. Just owner advice please, rather worried


thanks for Reading

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Great advice, thanks!!


If one ferret has it will that mean my other will? Also I treated with olive oil at first but then put frontline on the tick and then on the neck of both ferrets.


Will see if it falls off then if not will get him to the vets


thanks again for the fast responses just shit myself a little as I'm still learning the game

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dont take it to the vets they will charge you just get a tick remover search google or a good pet shop or you can use some tweezers just squeeze twist and pull have a look to c if you have got the head then burn the tick to kill it thats all i do any way used to get then on the dog all the time+ front line will stop then in the future good luck with it

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