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pygmy hedgehogs

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coon will turn agressive as they reach sexual maturity, skunks actually make quite nice pets as long as their glands are removed of course!


Ain't that the truth!!!!


Then they start shooting and stabbing each other .............




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coon will turn agressive as they reach sexual maturity, skunks actually make quite nice pets as long as their glands are removed of course!


I've heard they make nice pets too actually. But in a country without a native population, why on earth risk the potential for them to colonise here by allowing them in as pets. The gov't folks who decided that was a good idea should get some skunk perfume for a thank you gift :thumbdown: I love that there are (supposed to be) no skunks here - makes walking the dogs so much more relaxing!

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coon will turn agressive as they reach sexual maturity, skunks actually make quite nice pets as long as their glands are removed of course!


Ain't that the truth!!!!


Then they start shooting and stabbing each other .............





I like this post.. :toast:

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then the kids will get bored with them,and they will be let go into the wild by ignorant parents.there was a craze of micro pigs aswell about a year ago


Let go into the wild at £150 a go must have more money than sence if they did


If you look in to it more - you will find that all over the country there are quite a few non native wild amimals

that have been let go in this country, Eagle owls, wallabies - even a piranha has been caught,


Its no different to someone buying a ped dog and just getting rid.

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so what do you reckon on these then,for sale in one of our local pet shops,just a snip at £150,whatever next eh :thumbdown:




i could with 3-4 of there big brothers, and kill these feckin slugs !!!


ive ducks for that job! they are superb slub assasins bit cheaper than pygmy hedgehogs too and pay there way with eggs

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