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night vision scope


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Hi mate judging range at night with NV equipment is very hard.


To assist you fit a laser onto your combo and zero the laser on the NV scope cross hair and use that as a range finder.


If your not sure what i mean look at this older picture that i have designed.


Just make sure that there is a big angle between your scope reticule and laser.


If you can get the laser fitted under the barrel of the rifle its even better.





How a laser works as a range finder.doc

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Hi mate judging range at night with NV equipment is very hard.


To assist you fit a laser onto your combo and zero the laser on the NV scope cross hair and use that as a range finder.


If your not sure what i mean look at this older picture that i have designed.


Just make sure that there is a big angle between your scope reticule and laser.


If you can get the laser fitted under the barrel of the rifle its even better.





thanks zini will give it a try.do you think the rabbits can see the infer red, as they still dont sit like i fort they would. even the horses have got twichy when near them.

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Hi Jocky.


Starlight -7.62


As for seeing the I.R. realy dont know mate :no:





L1A1 Bill?


IM sure that they get spooked/canm see IR, a few weeks back I was pinging a rabbit with a laser range finder, not in the visible spectrum for human eyes, however as it was a long way off I must have pressed the laser button quiet a fe times, aimed just in front and just behind, so I could get an average of the distance as I was a bit shaky in the hands, Anyhow, the rabbit was definately spooked by it and did a quick step in to the hedge, Im convinced they can see in the IR range of my rab=nge finder....

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I know that Rabbits see in monochrome hence they feel less threatened by a red light.


Now the first thing a bunny picks up sight wise is movement especially from bright objects or solid objects (which is where DPM helps so much) :yes:


Dillan and I were discussing the use of lights and IR lamps and we both came to the conclusion, that rats and rabbits in fact any animal; can rely on any light source to cast a shadow behind them.

If this shadow moves (like when you swing your lamp around) its effectively a dark solid shape moving next to them and they will bolt.



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I know that Rabbits see in monochrome hence they feel less threatened by a red light.


Now the first thing a bunny picks up sight wise is movement especially from bright objects or solid objects (which is where DPM helps so much) :yes:


Dillan and I were discussing the use of lights and IR lamps and we both came to the conclusion, that rats and rabbits in fact any animal; can rely on any light source to cast a shadow behind them.

If this shadow moves (like when you swing your lamp around) its effectively a dark solid shape moving next to them and they will bolt.



and heres me thinking that wor kids ugly mug was the problem !!!


atb gary

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its a yukon 2.5 50. with a doubler and a extra ir illuminator. thinking about selling.



I had a very similar model. The 2.5 50 NV gives you that "fishbowl effect" as the magnification is so low. You can get the addons so you can look through your own scope - but this makes it massive to lug around.


I loved mine for ratting but struggled a little for rabbiting as it takes quite s bit of getting used to.


Also when spooking the rabbits, it's probably because you're closer than you think :blink:

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One of the guys i go lamping with has a monoco ?? just a single looking glass and he used to say theres a rabbit over there get ready put the light on now .Then he put nv on his gun and just shot them . helps when moneys no a problem

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