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I had a Black rabbit on one of my permission, but it had to be shot before it stated selling crack on the corners of the fields

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Tony. You've met me, you know I'm pretty laid back and tolerant, but there are some things that just aren't on, and that kind of lazy, stereotypical bs is one of them. In the 70's that was the norm, and was it a better world back then? Well, in many respects probably, but to be a black person in the UK back then was hell!


"All that is needed for evil to prosper, is for good men to stand by." as Edmund Burke said. I don't intend to be the "good man that stands by"!



Yeah and to be a black person in the uk now is heavan!! :tongue2::wallbash:

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I had a Black rabbit on one of my permission, but it had to be shot before it stated selling crack on the corners of the fields :laugh::o


Oh har de har har. It's good to see that even this hallowed corner of the net isn't free of the bigotry and racist stereotypes that blight the world we live in. :thumbdown:


Next thing you'll be telling us that you couldn't shoot it because it ran too fast! :wallbash:


One premission I have has plenty of black bunnies. The albino's don't seem to last very long, guess they're too easy for the fox to spot. The fact that the farm backs on to a big sink estate probably explains the variety of colour in the population, there are all sorts there!


BOO HOO..... everyones a racist and biggot,you need to lighten up pal.Ive been called white trash by a Gentleman from africa now thats racist ...what did I do ..ver near pished masell laughin.... "JOKES" "HUMOUR" look them up mate

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5 years ago, on the land that I shoot, there was only one black rabbit to be seen.


This morning when walking the dogs I would anticipate that 30% of the rabbits I saw were black. In some of the horses' paddocks it can be as high as 50%.


However where we live there is an old superstition that says if you shoot a black rabbit it will bring you bad luck. Consequently none of the old boys, or the keeper on the shoot, by me will kill them.

Perhaps this should now be revised in light of the fact that the black rabbits seem to have the stronger gene colour?





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Thats a truely silly myth :yes: However it obviously has been very good luck for the black bunnies :laugh:


I bet it was started by the person who was the 1st to see a black one in the area and was hoping to let it breed so there would be more of them :yes:


I spent 4 hours last night in the only part of the paddock where I know that Bubba & Bessy come out to play (and the only part where the grass is short enough to let me shoot from the pod!). Neither of them showed up to play :thumbdown:


But not to worry I'll get them both, just like I got that tearaway Linford!


This time I will be able to recover the pelts :yes:



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However where we live there is an old superstition that says if you shoot a black rabbit it will bring you bad luck. Consequently none of the old boys, or the keeper on the shoot, by me will kill them.

Perhaps this should now be revised in light of the fact that the black rabbits seem to have the stronger gene colour?


Not necessarily anything genetic in it. If people are shooting the normal coloured rabbits, but not the blacks, that will immediately act to select for black pelts, so the genes might not be stronger per se, but the actions of man make being black a good thing. If people suddenly decided that black pelts were bad and should be shot with the same regularity as regular pelts, the balance would be redressed quite quickly.

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You know Matt,


You and I spend way too much time on here :yes:


Is it down to the bad weather or do we need to go out and get a life or are we just too keen to help others and learn a few things ourselfves :hmm:


Or are you cyberstalking me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Or is it the other way around :o:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



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That is a sight I'd like to see, come to think of it, I'd like to see an ordinary one again :yes:

Saw one walking across a road one night, a true pleasure to see :yes: then on my return journey, I saw what I assumed was the same one again (in the same area on the other side of the road) but it had tyre marks over it and it was a bit flat and messy looking :cry:



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when i got my new pemission a couple of months ago i saw my first black rabbit, i have a seen either the same 1 or others in and around the same area a few times since, i tried to shoot it but missed. my mate has exactly the same theory as mentioned above, it will bring bad luck!! so he stood next to me and let me crack on.. ATB Mick

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ive taken a good few black uns,dutch marked,blues,gingers,and a fawn over the years.ive probably got a few being caught on film.........never seen the fasination it can hold with some as its just a rabbit.we nearly always caught an odd coloured one when ferreting in north yorkshire.ive not had as many in the durham and northumberland dales though.


badgers are everywhere but ive never seen a white one.

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Welll Tony. Actually I'm hiding in the bushes outside, stealing your wireless as I type! ;)


If you want to see badgers by the hundred, and foxes, and buzzards, and red kites, in fact most of the predatory species in the UK, then come down this way! I love foxes and badgers, but when they are in the numbers that they are round here they become a real pest, and badgers, being the disease vectors that they can be when in large numbers, really need controlling.


I've seen some that were white and grey/brown. Never seen a ginger one though! I wonder if it's a form of albinoism?

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