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  On 23/09/2010 at 16:10, jasper65 said:
  On 23/09/2010 at 15:50, inan said:

Red Wine is a staple, but you can cheat by buying a "Home Pride" red wine sauce,[the Chassuer is ok] you really need two, if you are cooking the whole carcass.

I've had hare ,jugged,marinaded,spiced, curried, sweet and soured,steamed with a mustard sauce ,steeped in cider.

Now, I just put it in the slow cooker with a bottle of cheap red, and assorted veg.

Saddle and backlegs for me, the front end, raw for the dogs.


Much apreciated Inan thankyou :thumbs:.


see! I have gleamed some good info off you already, and I'm not being sarcastic.


I'll 100% give the recipe a try


yis Jasp


Gleaned not gleamed ,and don't forget the onion.

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What a crock of s.h.i.t mate whoopy fecking doo you shot a hare,whats the big deal if you went out for rabbits,im sure anyone on here would of took the shot at anything on the legal list if it was in

Nice one jasper, i have never gone out to look for hare but when the shot has presented itself it has often been taken. Good for you

Hi Jasper.nice clean looking kill. I shot a hare a few weeks ago but didn't put a post up about it as was on another site and some guy was getting abused left right and centre for shooting one with a

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  On 23/09/2010 at 16:45, inan said:
  On 23/09/2010 at 16:10, andyfr1968 said:

Nice one, Jasper. :thumbs:


I've shot very many hare's with shotgun, RF and airguns and a well placed pellet kills just as well as the others, it's about keeping within the limits of whatever gun you happen to be useing....


I think a lot of the dog and firearms folks look down their noses at us lowly airgunners 'cos the only dealings they've had with airguns was probably many years ago as young 'uns shooting sparrows and tin cans with some crappy old break barrel that was probably 20 years old then. Things have moved on a bit, fellas....


There's a lot of snobbery in field sports, which is a real shame. :thumbdown:



My air rifle is an AA s410, in carbine length, not state of the art ,but a bit better than "some crappy break barrel".

There is a lot of assumptive ignorance in field sports, I have noticed that.


There is a lot of assumptive ignorance in field sports, you're right there. There's also an awful lot of arrogant and sarcastic tossers as well.


I was makeing a general remark, as well you know.

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It seems my work here is done!. :whistling:



Just for the record, The original issue has been resolved and it didn`t really concern the fact that it was a hare, The issue was about killing without reason or need, which was discussed to conclusion around 4 pages ago.


Jeez ! think ah`ll have a bottle of wine and berate masell for ruining everyones life!! ha ha!!



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  On 23/09/2010 at 08:07, inan said:


Why do you think it is a recommendation?


I dont know why its a recommendation, Appeasment to the Anties perhaps :hmm:


Guess you'll have to ask the guy or girl that wrote the "Recommendation", it certainly is not because it is a larger animal and should not be shot with an air rifle.


My gut feelings is its down to the snobbery; meaning that GAME must not be shot with an Air Rifle. But in actual fact I personally would prefere to shoot a hare or a bunny with an Air, Rimmy or Centre fire rather than a hit and miss shotgun. Its all to easy to wound an animal with a shotty if your marksmanship is not up to scratch, where as a single bullet or pellet if you miss usually (not 100% of the time but usually) winds up in a clean miss and the animal lives :yes:


Incidently would you shoot a Duck, or even a Pheasent with an air rifle? I would when its legal to do so :yes:



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  On 23/09/2010 at 17:57, Phantom said:
  On 23/09/2010 at 08:48, inan said:

Perhaps you could answer my question ,instead of making puerile comments?


Can you answer your question and enlighten us all?



I don't need to ,I allready know the answer. :boogie:

Edited by inan
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  On 23/09/2010 at 18:21, inan said:
  On 23/09/2010 at 17:57, Phantom said:
  On 23/09/2010 at 08:48, inan said:

Perhaps you could answer my question ,instead of making puerile comments?


Can you answer your question and enlighten us all?



I don't need to ,I allready know the answer.

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  On 23/09/2010 at 18:21, inan said:

I don't need to ,I allready know the answer.


Awww' C'mon; don't be a spoil sport; I've just finished reading the rest of the 4 pages :yes: and I'm still GENUINELY interested why a recommendation should be taken as gospel?


As Ian mentioned we all have our own opinions and I believe its reasonable to 'share' those opinions without trying to force them down others throats :yes: I would like to hear your opinions; never know you may convert me :thumbs:


Oh; Take it from me; cheap red just won't do the meat any justice at all :nono: if your gonna use such a fine meat, then use a fine wine as well :yes: It really will pay dividends with the flavour :thumbs:



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  On 23/09/2010 at 17:51, Phantom said:
  On 23/09/2010 at 08:07, inan said:


Why do you think it is a recommendation?


I dont know why its a recommendation, Appeasment to the Anties perhaps :hmm:


Guess you'll have to ask the guy or girl that wrote the "Recommendation", it certainly is not because it is a larger animal and should not be shot with an air rifle.My gut feelings is its down to the snobbery; meaning that GAME must not be shot with an Air Rifle. But in actual fact I personally would prefere to shoot a hare or a bunny with an Air, Rimmy or Centre fire rather than a hit and miss shotgun. Its all to easy to wound an animal with a shotty if your marksmanship is not up to scratch, where as a single bullet or pellet if you miss usually (not 100% of the time but usually) winds up in a clean miss and the animal lives :yes:


Incidently would you shoot a Duck, or even a Pheasent with an air rifle? I would when its legal to do so :yes:



Its nothing to do with snobbery ,it's all to do with the body mass of a hare, compared to that of a rabbit at least 8 lbs difference in weight , and the real prospect of a slow lingering death, should the shot not prove fatal.

I shot quite a few pheasants with an assortment of air rifles, when I was younger and poorer, they were shot for the table not sport.Now I am old ,and "comfortable", I get all the birds I want from a days beating.

I wouldn't shoot a hare with any weapon, I obtain mine from another method ,one that I think is, both more sporting ,and, considerably more exciting.And, if I were wanting to be divisive , a method that gives no chance of a wounded animal crawling off to die a lingering death.But I won't mention that aspect. :no:


Each must examine his own conscience,mine is as pure as the driven snow. :thumbs:

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  On 23/09/2010 at 18:36, Phantom said:
  On 23/09/2010 at 18:21, inan said:

I don't need to ,I allready know the answer.


Awww' C'mon; don't be a spoil sport; I've just finished reading the rest of the 4 pages :yes: and I'm still GENUINELY interested why a recommendation should be taken as gospel?


As Ian mentioned we all have our own opinions and I believe its reasonable to 'share' those opinions without trying to force them down others throats :yes: I would like to hear your opinions; never know you may convert me :thumbs:


Oh; Take it from me; cheap red just won't do the meat any justice at all :nono: if your gonna use such a fine meat, then use a fine wine as well :yes: It really will pay dividends with the flavour :thumbs:



Cheap red is perfectly ok for cooking hare ,and a robust wine possibly a Barolo to accompany it.

Take it from me NO -ONE uses fine wine to cook with. :thumbs:

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  On 23/09/2010 at 16:10, andyfr1968 said:

Nice one, Jasper. :thumbs:


I've shot very many hare's with shotgun, RF and airguns and a well placed pellet kills just as well as the others, it's about keeping within the limits of whatever gun you happen to be useing....


I think a lot of the dog and firearms folks look down their noses at us lowly airgunners 'cos the only dealings they've had with airguns was probably many years ago as young 'uns shooting sparrows and tin cans with some crappy old break barrel that was probably 20 years old then. Things have moved on a bit, fellas....


There's a lot of snobbery in field sports, which is a real shame. :thumbdown:




cheers for the reply Andy :thumbs:


I went on a Hare shoot in North Norfolk a few years back! have to say it scared the crap out of me the way some guns shot straight down the line, at one stage I could here Pellets thuding into the soil around me, I said then never again...


All I can say is it was Carnage! anyone who thinks all these Hares was killed cleanly even useing shot as low as 4's is talking total Rubbish, I lost count how many was back ended or needed a second barrel to finish the job or necked. must say I'm a bit miffed how some people who have now admitidly aknowledged they own a Air Rifle can't get their head round quite how clean a Air Rifle running near to the 12ft/lbs limit will dispatch a Hare cleanly within Range.


Judgeing by the reaction this thread caused I can see why some Air Gunners think its not a good idea to put pic's up of Hares downed! Its not like this Hare was going to be discarded like some rimfired or centrefired vermin I could mention, nothing shot here goes to waste! either I eat it or ot goes to the Birds, if its smashed with a shotgun it goes to the Ferrets :thumbs:.


I think you're bang on saying alot of people have no idea how far Air Rifle have come since the old break barrels, its funny when I have spoke to old school men in the past and even mentioned shooting pigeons they look shocked! most of them in the good old days was shooting .177 BSA Cadet Majors at starlings :laugh:


atb Jasper

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  On 23/09/2010 at 16:47, inan said:

Gleaned not gleamed ,and don't forget the onion.


see told you my spelling was a bit wayward :thumbs:. seems like I hit the M when I should hit the N :laugh:...


I'll definitley get the wife use a Onion :yes:. must say your recipe made my mouth water so I'm now looking forward to it. I had a Rabbit cassarole last season the first time for years! food from the gods, just a shame alot of them get wasted.....



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  On 23/09/2010 at 18:38, inan said:

Its nothing to do with snobbery ,it's all to do with the body mass of a hare, compared to that of a rabbit at least 8 lbs difference in weight , and the real prospect of a slow lingering death, should the shot not prove fatal.

I shot quite a few pheasants with an assortment of air rifles, when I was younger and poorer, they were shot for the table not sport.Now I am old ,and "comfortable", I get all the birds I want from a days beating.

I wouldn't shoot a hare with any weapon, I obtain mine from another method ,one that I think is, both more sporting ,and, considerably more exciting.And, if I were wanting to be divisive , a method that gives no chance of a wounded animal crawling off to die a lingering death.But I won't mention that aspect. :no:


Each must examine his own conscience,mine is as pure as the driven snow. :thumbs:


Ahhh I get you now :yes:


I for one; only ever take headshots (as close to the cerabellum as possible) on any adult animal.

However on young kits, I found that a headshot would destroy the brain but still have them flapping around, even when (as one of my images show) the soft brain matter was hanging out of the exit wound. this disturbed me enough (even though I knew full well the kits were dead and it was just nerve impulses making it jump) to considder another killzone.

In the end if the kit is under 5 inches (I don't shoot animals for sport its either pest control, damage limitation or for food) I shoot for the heart and lungs as this seems (in my experiance) to stop the distressing jumping about.


If I were to shoot a Hare; I would go for the cerabellum rather than the front end of the brain or even the central part.

I find that shooting an animal in the cerabellum, the animal either drop's, or rolls over with very little motor function twitches; it is the Cerabellum that is responsible for 'Life' functions.


I learned that the hard way :icon_redface: I once shot a rabbit, (aiming half way between they eyes and ear) it went down but a second or two later it got back up and ran. the wind had moved the pellet so the shot had gone through the eye and out of the other :thumbdown:


Since that day, I have always strived for the cerabellum or the spinal chord above the shoulders.


As I mentioned earlier, I shoot for food, or pest control. My 'Sport' is paper punching or metal knockdowns :thumbs:


Thanks for clearing up my queary :yes: like I said I am Genuinely interested.


All the best



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Ive shot a hare with an air-rifle,another with a shotgun and about twenty or so with a rimmy.I dont see a problem with it but from a sport point of view,pre ban off-course,coursing or my personal favorite hunting sport Beagling was a far better use of the superb athlete the Brown Hare. :thumbs:

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