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pride of the peaks (irish report)

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We left home at 6.30am sat morning 1 boat trip, 10 hours, and 22 p**s stops later we arrived at the peaks, great venue and camping area, tryed the dogs at the coursing, good craic completely differnt from back home, no jumps and based on points system,


Setup camp about 7pm all going well until my friend BIG IAN descovered he had forgot the feckin frying pan :icon_eek: ! so we had spent 50 quid on food with feck all to cook it on! It was at this point we started drinking :drink: after knocking on a few caravan doors someone kindly donated a desposable bbq at this stage the beer was starting to flow quite rapidly and it came just in time.


A few of the others arrived and we all made our way to the beer tent/disco it was all ticking along nicely until BIG IAN done a back door and myself and jim started drinking gin! that was my last memory of the evening :cheers:


The following day i woke up in the back of the van with the muck boots still on and a head on me like shrek! After sum breakfast and a cold wash in a bucket we were ready for the show, met up with sum more of the irish foke and ended up having a great day,


This is what shows are all about sometimes people forget this. hopefull get back next year, good show all in all and def worth another visit.

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Thanks Lads, good to have some positive feedback instead of all this shite, its a farce! its a fix! We had record Lurcher numbers, but record lows in the Terriers, some Perpetual Trophys weren't returned on time, cheers for that MATE!! and we even had one competitor, who when offered a trophy to keep (as well a perpetual shield) replyed 'What the f*** do I want that for?' its makes you wonder why you bother!

The few people that run 'Pride of the Peaks' are ALL also on the Hartington Sports Committee, so as well as organising this huge Lurcher & Terrier Championship we have an active role in all the other sections of the sports. This year we had a a newly formed team called 'Moonlight Lurcher Event Team' who kindly offered to come and run all our Racing events. With which they did, and in my opinion did a very good job for their first outing, The Coursing on the Saturday was one of the best courses I've seen for a while and the straights on the Sunday had a good, long track with a distance you don't get very often. They also returned ALL the money taken to put towards the Sports Committees various charity's. So the point I am trying to make here is if you want to keep these events alive for the benefit of yourselves, your dog's and others then what is needed is full SUPPORT. A HUGE thankyou to the team and to all of you who came and supported us in the awful weather and we hope to see you again next year! Full results and Photos soon. :thumbs:

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i was at the midlands on saturday cost a small fortune but what made the weekend worth while was going to the pride of the peaks on the sunday did,nt have to wear the finest tweet made from the quenns horse's puebic hair to get the dogs any notice a much better show that seems to put a lot more into to working dogs met up with the lads that stay'ed the night there and it sounded like they had great craic my money will be on the pride of the peaks for next year ,fair play lads keep up the good work and well done to Debbie Mumford with her bitch gypsy that got overall lurcher i was glad to see because my bitch was 2nd to her in their class a nice dog to be beaten by

Edited by lurcher330
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Nice write up Darran, nearly as good as Margaret's :D when Rose and me get into the car and on our way, we say to ourselves what have we forgotten, there's always something, just like your frying pan :laugh: enjoyed the craic at the marquee :D didn't know you could sing and dance :tongue2: and Ian is some character :D Jim and me are like two peas in a pod :tongue2:


Ian trying to sing :D









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