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free pass to hunt anything anywhere for day with dogs where would you go and what would you run

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  On 20/09/2010 at 18:13, feed the bear said:
  On 20/09/2010 at 18:08, Borat said:

Coursing in New Mexico.. :thumbs: They say that the Black tailed jack rabbit (hare) is faster than our brown hare.. Plus there other quarry :notworthy:


I live on the Fens so be a change for me..


Tell me borat, are the fens as good as they say??? Its like a fairytale to me.... Must have been great pre-ban.



It's Mecca.. :thumbs: I work a deerhound/greyhound dog on the farming estate I work on, I can say with modesty they make my dog look mediocre pre ban.. Sure sorts out the good longdogs !!

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  On 20/09/2010 at 18:24, Borat said:
  On 20/09/2010 at 18:13, feed the bear said:
  On 20/09/2010 at 18:08, Borat said:

Coursing in New Mexico.. :thumbs: They say that the Black tailed jack rabbit (hare) is faster than our brown hare.. Plus there other quarry :notworthy:


I live on the Fens so be a change for me..


Tell me borat, are the fens as good as they say??? Its like a fairytale to me.... Must have been great pre-ban.



It's Mecca.. :thumbs: I work a deerhound/greyhound dog on the farming estate I work on, I can say with modesty they make my dog look mediocre pre ban.. Sure sorts out the good longdogs !!


Ideal mate.... I got told that unless you had a saluki cross, you'd never catch a hare come january, is this true mate? You ever got them then?

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now ur talking borat what about antelope ,gazzelle ,springbock, coyotes and jackels to name only few i would love to see my dogs run prob wouldnt catch but feck me what good bit of sport it would be not that theres a snowball in hells chance of it happening

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  On 20/09/2010 at 18:39, feed the bear said:
  On 20/09/2010 at 18:35, johnjo123 said:

No its a dog wont catch a january hare on the fens if it hasnt got saluki in it

is what a man once wrote,my dad said hes caught january hares with bedi whippets on the fens back in 1958


A bedi whippet!!! :blink: Aye right, your at the wind up mate..... never believing that.

why not mate i know a bloke with a 20 inch dog that will catch hares pre ban of coarse anywhere its living so where now not talking 1958,lol

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  On 20/09/2010 at 18:41, johnjo123 said:
  On 20/09/2010 at 18:39, feed the bear said:
  On 20/09/2010 at 18:35, johnjo123 said:

No its a dog wont catch a january hare on the fens if it hasnt got saluki in it

is what a man once wrote,my dad said hes caught january hares with bedi whippets on the fens back in 1958


A bedi whippet!!! :blink: Aye right, your at the wind up mate..... never believing that.

why not mate i know a bloke with a 20 inch dog that will catch hares pre ban of coarse anywhere its living so where now not talking 1958,lol


Ideal......... need to watch what you say on here.... before you know it, mr colon will be throwing out challenges lol.

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  On 20/09/2010 at 18:15, jimlampit said:

i would start outside of a mosque throw in some mean big headed dogs whilt standing outsinde wating for the little feckers to bolt and then i would slip my Japanese Tosas, Dogo Argentino, and a Fila Brasileiros just for good measure and i might even use a good pitt bull. now that would beet digging a fox any day hah'hah'hah

count me in :gunsmilie:

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  On 20/09/2010 at 18:50, johnjo123 said:

my dad always said if you throw a challange never back out


That sounds like a challenge to me....... There you go saluki hunters, here is a man that claims he knows a 20inch dog that will beat your saluki(reading between the lines ofcourse lol) anyone willing to prove him wrong???



.....................holds breath

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  On 20/09/2010 at 19:00, johnjo123 said:

god what have you got me into,

yes i have a little dog or 2 but surely no one will challange a little dog,

a saluki x wont keep up with her all night or day


Mind what your auld da said lol.... canny back down now...... :whistling: Wouyldn't worry about it mate, no c**t on here has a decent saluki cross or the balls to challenge you..... wait and see... :yes:

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