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Advice needed on ownership of dog please.

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Morning all,after a conversation with a complete d*ck on the phone i am bloody well seething!!!!

Please bear with me its a complicated one!

Right, Here goes....

12 months ago when i was with the other half we had to move into temp accomodation,which didnt allow dogs,and so other half LENT(so he says!) my dog(my name on chip papers) to his employers son.

My circumstances have now changed and would like the dog back for my son to have fun with,now here is the problem...myself and other half split up 11 month ago,when i asked him to organise for the dog to come back,i got a phone call from his employer(who has the dog) saying he bought the dog,its within my best interests not to annoy him,i will not be getting the dog back no matter what,and various other threats which i am not willing to disclose at the mo.

So question is....what the hell do i do?

I have had the dog for 5 years since he was a pup and would really like him back.

Please,no anal replys...there really is no need for them.

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if he says he bought the dog from your ex and he backs up the claim,then there probally nothing you can do.no offense but it couldt have meant that much to you if you gave it away in the first place.what i mean is,if i had to move due to circumstances i would only move to a place where i could take my dog with me.

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Does the man have ANY papers saying he has bought the dogs from you (or your BF)? If not, you can even report him as he stole your dog! Check with your vet if the microchip is on you name yet.

Does the man have your dog's vaccinations booklet? If yes, it wll be a bit harder to say he stole your dog.


Even if he lent your dog I guess you wrote some paper about it, didn't you?


But whatever happened and was written, if the dog goes well and is beloved, maybe it would really be better to leave him where he is and have another dogie.




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Sorry but very niave to think you'd get him back after this length of time... asking a comparative stranger to 'board' your dog until you want it back is asking a hell of a lot...


your ex is obviously a total liar, oh well, learn from that one...


the guy who has him now has every right to keep him (possession is 9 tenths of the law etc etc) dogs are treated much like anything tv's, washing machines, stereos blah blah blah unless he stole him and you can prove it? but you'll have a right nightmare trying to get him back and the the dog may be perfectly happy where he is even if you're not...


Think I'd put that one down to experience and move on....

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