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Sound Mod for 243

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I have a T8 sound reflex mod for my 243, its only 6 years old, take it off rifle every time, trouble is its f***ed, the baffles inside are damaged and rattling around.


So whats the best mod on market these days to get and prices?

just curious :hmm: are you supposed to take it off the rifle after use? cos i never do :no:

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I have a PES. very well made, simple design with better than average materials. I think they make them in NZ, company that makes them aslo does custom work for the F1 teams. not cheap but works extremely well. smaller than the normal overbarrel reflex. they do a Titanium one as well now if you want some real bling!

got it through steve kershaw in Howden, fitted it to the rifle and cuts the rear inner section of the moderator to exactly match the barrel.

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How does that work, how did you get one off ebay? especially for £50 more info please.








or 50 quid on e-bay like mine was !!! :tongue2:

:icon_redface: Must've seen me coming!

But just check that yours has a hole in both ends!! :whistling:



Right,, the bloke had bought a job lot at a couriers undelivered auction.

Included in it was the p8 complete with 243 insert.

He thought he had an air rifle moderator worth 50 quid (forgot to correct him)

I was the only bidder and got it.

RFD gunsmith fitted it and put it on my licence,

I checked with Fettes and you dont need it on ticket until it`s going on a gun so they were happy for me to buy it and have it put on ticket.


Hence £50 on e-bay !! :victory:

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yeh Fettes is the L&B headquarters and licsencing dept. They were totally happy with it,knowing that the seller never even had an fac

The P8 can be bought with a 17 insert and can be used for an airgun (overkill) so you wouldn`t need an FAC to own it.


Result is an understatement,,,was well chuffed :victory:

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I have a T8 sound reflex mod for my 243, its only 6 years old, take it off rifle every time, trouble is its f***ed, the baffles inside are damaged and rattling around.


So whats the best mod on market these days to get and prices?

just curious :hmm: are you supposed to take it off the rifle after use? cos i never do :no:


You are looking at potential issues of corrosive crud falling down the barrel or onto the crown if you don't. More prevalent in centrefires than rimfires.


Alternative is to store the gun barrel/moderator down!

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I really don't know what the best moderator is, and I guess best will depend on the individuals interpretation and requirements.


ALL my centrefires have a Predator 8 COMPACT fitted, I make no suggestion this is the best moderator, but in my view it offers the best package of weight, size, balance, sound reduction, versatility, spares, stripability, price etc going, so arguably for me it is the best!



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I really don't know what the best moderator is, and I guess best will depend on the individuals interpretation and requirements.


ALL my centrefires have a Predator 8 COMPACT fitted, I make no suggestion this is the best moderator, but in my view it offers the best package of weight, size, balance, sound reduction, versatility, spares, stripability, price etc going, so arguably for me it is the best!



Yeah seems to be a few who have the Predator, will give the lad up here a call who customs rifles and ask him what price he could get one for us.


Thanks for all the information.

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I wish all gun dealers selling rifles and mods would tell their customers to remove the mod and spray inside with wd40 or similar after shooting.

By not doing so, the least you will end up needing is a re-crown and the worst is a new barrel. It only takes a few seconds to do this and will save you loads of dosh in the long run.

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I wish all gun dealers selling rifles and mods would tell their customers to remove the mod and spray inside with wd40 or similar after shooting.

By not doing so, the least you will end up needing is a re-crown and the worst is a new barrel. It only takes a few seconds to do this and will save you loads of dosh in the long run.


Unless you take the easy option of storing the rifle moderator down!


It is often useful in cabinets to store rifles top to tail anyway.


Possibly the best option is both....clean the mod AND store it moderator down! :thumbs:

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HI mate ive just put a pes t12 on my .243 after being so impressed with pes on my .22 hornet,they are 275 quid new i was lucky and found one in a local shop second hand for 140 so was a bargain, they are stainless steel so wont rot out,has tamed the report on my .243 so well that it sounds about the same as the hornet i am very impressed with it,dont think you will go wrong if you shell out for one. cheers


charlie caller

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HI mate ive just put a pes t12 on my .243 after being so impressed with pes on my .22 hornet,they are 275 quid new i was lucky and found one in a local shop second hand for 140 so was a bargain, they are stainless steel so wont rot out,has tamed the report on my .243 so well that it sounds about the same as the hornet i am very impressed with it,dont think you will go wrong if you shell out for one. cheers


charlie caller

Where did you get your mod from?



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