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What a classy lady you are Cold Ethyl....how dare you post personal names and addresses on a public forum? I've read your posts in the past and haven't been impressed. Aren't you the lady who advo

the pups look great but if i was you i'd have that slipper put to sleep,, it looks in a bad way

Billy when will you Learn your gonna really end up regretting spreading a load of shite about me.These pups for those who havent met EDITED BY SIMOMAN, NO ADDRESSES FFS mother cant catch a cold only c

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thanks for your reply lindsay,showing your true colours there by YET AGAIN spouting total nonsense and accusing me of things i havent done.and as for the address is that you admitting that it was you who sent the sspca to my other halfs neighbour


chook wrote

Get a frigging life both of you - think your both as bad as each other,

no wonder scally locked the thread on the other forum


no offence chook but i havent done anything wrong i just wanted people to know my pups were ok



No offence taken - but come on,

everytime you accuse her of something or she accuse's you

it all kicks off,and ends up a slanging match till the threads locked,

most people just dont give a shit,

why not just deal with it all off line - like adults

or is that incomprehensible to you both.


As a spokesman for the forum...... :whistling: I reckon you let them air their dirty washing in public... end of.

mods dont lock this thread its the only enjoyment i get theese days

BY THE WAY cold ethyl i think he is taking advantage of you :whistling: :whistling: :whistling::hmm:


You and me both mate.... :big_boss:

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Well Billy you havebeen told numerous times even in the middle of the street to F off and leave me alone best thing i ever did was get rid.One i dont have a smelly lazy scrounging scarecrow in my bed all day everyday anymore.My kids can relax in their own house and not be scared or on edge at all.I did not phone the sspca as i said far closer to home than than me.Your pups arent ok either YOUR mate told a few people they all had a gut infection and their mum takes seizures isnt a capable dog and you bred from her so good luck cos they will need it with you as an owner at least my dogs are walked fed and get vet treatment when its needed not after the event when the dog is really screwed and my dog isnt and never has been allowed to snap at young kids and be allowed to get away with it to continue on and Maul a kid of 2 years That is solely your fault you knew what she was like and left her alone with a 2 year old kid your dogs only ever caught cats you had one pts sleep for crapping the house when you were never there and you come on here spreading total nonesense about me.Your the f*****g looney here mate as far as i am concerned neither you ro IT should be allowed near kids or animals till you both learn how to look after tham and keep them safe.As i said it stops now or i will take it further and for the record it was your mates who gave me the adress cos they cant stand either of you.Maybe it was all the drinking and smoking pot you do or you were dropped as a pup but you need a pysciatrist mate or a bit of lead to balance you either way Ive told you since JANUARY FFS Go away leave me and my kids alone you made your bed now go lie next to the heffer thats if you can fit in

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