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I have only ever had working dogs border collies and hounds the od terrier. I bought two puppies from a fellow I have bought dogs from before, any way they are ten weeks old. They looked a picture of health last Friday but yesterday one of them got a red bump in the corner of his eye. A freind looked at it and said right away cherry eye. She is very nolegible haveing worked in vet offices. She said it is common in kennel club breeds. It is supposed to be congenital? Any way how can I test if the other pup has it? I have to four year old dogs same way bred with no problems and I had a litter of pups off them and did not see anything. How common is it? Do you cull for it? Is it cosmetic or will it interfer? They are curs 3/4 bmc, 1/8 lepard, 1/8 cat. Tthere parents are not related at all. I was really looking forward to getting one of these pups I want to try them on coyotes, They are very gritty If they hunt up good maybe a cross with a grey. I just do not want any bad genetics to start with. Any info would help. attached are some pics






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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Rocks: My own pc seems to be in virtual melt down, even as I write this, mate. I Hope ye get to see what I'm about to write?!


Briefly: Cherry Eye is pretty much genetic. But it can skip generations.


It's found in 'Working' Dogs, in as much that it's all the rage in breeds such as Neopolitan Mastiff's and others with a fair ammount of excess 'face'. This isn't the time nor place to debate wether the Neo is still to be considered a " Working " breed.


It Can be sorted out. Only, last time I tried to dredge up what I remembered about the ways of sorting it, I went somewhat adrift. BUT; I did so on this very forum. The spot on information should still be here as it wasn't that long ago.


Eyes up and to the right. SEARCH. I don't even know if that particular function works in here? But try it - or manually crawl back through this column - and look for CHERRY EYE. Search on that (and maybe in Profiles?) for SPK. " SPK " is the handle, used here and elsewhere, of a good man with Personal experiance of getting some Dogs with it sorted.


If ye can find ye way to SPK's profile, it May still list his last several posts? I don't know. Worth a try ~ I simply don't remember what facilities this place offers and I'm a bit too 'distracted' by my own problems to try and do it all for ye - Not that I'm suggesting ye ask or need that! ;)


Sorry I can't be of more help right now. Trying to keep the hysteria down as I wonder how I'm going to afford a new pc just now! :icon_eek:


Good luck!

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Guest bootneck
yuo can have mine it is a piece of shit I had it gave to me. I think it is a 1998 model





if you are in the uk and don't mind a drive you should give pilgrim vets in boston(lincs)a try,,,,25 quid an eye or thereabouts,,,,inject the swelling with anaesthetic and adrenalin,,,,,cut it out and its a job done,,,dry eye shouldn't be a worry unless you are in a dry climate..the dog is awake through out ,,less stress all round.........

Edited by bootneck
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Thank you for your replies. I think I am going to try just putting it back in a couple of times If it stays good If not I will go to the vets. Either way I think I will give her to e friend that will hunt cougar with her and not breed her. I am limited in dogs and cannot keep any with any problems.

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Guest game'dogs
Thank you for your replies. I think I am going to try just putting it back in a couple of times If it stays good If not I will go to the vets. Either way I think I will give her to e friend that will hunt cougar with her and not breed her. I am limited in dogs and cannot keep any with any problems.



:thumbs-up: give her to a freind and never breed from her that should do the trick but if she turns out first class at her job wont you be tempted ? if it was me i would cull so that no temptasion can arise . jmo

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