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ferreting dog

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agree with you there mate i probabley wouldnt ferret without a lurcher these days . . . i also have a goodterrier but ifi had to choose lurcher all the way . . . the only time i chosethe terrier is wh

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I always take my JRT & beddy/whippet out with me. :yes: If I really had to choose between taking one out of the pair, it would be the little terrier. Her marking has come on to the point that if she marks, I could put my house on their being a rabbit at home. :thumbs:

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That's the theory Jenksi mate, but my terriers marking ability is the most important for me. :yes: Most of the buries round here are in the hedges & she can get to places my lurcher has trouble getting too. My lurcher is a year younger than her though, he's only just turned two. Maybe if he's marking as accurately as her this time next year, I'd change my mind. :thumbs:

Edited by maltenby
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I'm with malt on the terrier front. To be fair more of our rabbits come from the terriers marking, being pushed to ground by the terrier working the hedges, ditches etc and some are even caught in the cover by the terrier. Mostly the lurcher stands about not doing much, as it should be in you lay your nets well etc. How often do you really get something slipping the net? Still both is ideal, nice whippet (initial acceleration is key where we are) and decent terrier.

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It all depends what lurcher you have mate.. One of my lurchers is 100% on the mark, and we would never be with out while out ferreting. He has saved us hours and hours of time. rather than netting up 40 and 50 holers to find there is nothing home... A good pal of mine was convinced there were bunnies home, even after he never gave a mark. So he called his bluff, lol. He hasnt done it since have ya pal? lol...


As for it not being there job to pin a rabbit in the net, well each to there own. As long as your lurcher is soft mouthed, there is no problem.. And never has my dogs ripped a net!


Also a tip toeing dog on a warren is a god send to were the rabbit is gona bolt, and will sometime pinpoint where the dig should be.... Cant beat a well trained lurcher ferreting with you mate, it is like an extra pair of hands which is much more tuned in to what is happening below the ground than we are...

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Id go for a whippet, beddy cross for a ferreting dog looking for it picking up the rabbits after a few yards on top of the burrow . but ive got a bull cross best marking bitch ive seen fearless in cover but then crunches every rabbit but having a few ferrets i need a few for ferret grub LOL

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Lurcher with collie in it is my first choice, Beddy/Whippet second, you cant beat a good marking dog. My bitch last year nagged me about a hole year near a fence post where I park the motor, everytime we jumped over the fence she would mark this hole, it got the point where I just wanted to kick her arse when she went near it, so I told her I would net it up, and kick her arse if it was empty, it produced six big rabbits, wont doubt her again, the smug little bitch :D

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ive seen all types of dog ferreting, some great terriers :thumbs:


but im with runforyourlife, and stealthy, bit of collie in there mines got kelpie, and these herding type dogs have loads of concentration. none of this stood round looking blank or even sitting. no there following evrything underground, i can leave nets off on small burrys and most of the rabbits wont clear the hole.

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Just wondering how many of you guys take a dog ferreting? If so what cross would you recomend ? dosent need to be out big just for bolted rabbits and marking up etc

i will be taking my bitch ferreting,3/4grey 1/4 collie 26"tts,but the thing is she wasn't bought with only this discipline in mind,i do a lot of lamping so for me its just another string to her bow(hopefully)i know a lot of types can be recommended but i think a lot of lads will just use what they have in their kennel,if we all only had one particular dog for each job then we would all be over run,if you want a dog just for ferreting then the ground you hunt will come into play and your type of dog will need to suit this :thumbs:

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It all depends what lurcher you have mate.. One of my lurchers is 100% on the mark, and we would never be with out while out ferreting. He has saved us hours and hours of time. rather than netting up 40 and 50 holers to find there is nothing home... A good pal of mine was convinced there were bunnies home, even after he never gave a mark. So he called his bluff, lol. He hasnt done it since have ya pal? lol...


As for it not being there job to pin a rabbit in the net, well each to there own. As long as your lurcher is soft mouthed, there is no problem.. And never has my dogs ripped a net!


Also a tip toeing dog on a warren is a god send to were the rabbit is gona bolt, and will sometime pinpoint where the dig should be.... Cant beat a well trained lurcher ferreting with you mate, it is like an extra pair of hands which is much more tuned in to what is happening below the ground than we are...

agree with you there mate i probabley wouldnt ferret without a lurcher these days . . . i also have a goodterrier but ifi had to choose lurcher all the way . . . the only time i chosethe terrier is when we are ferreting near farm building . . . she soon sorts the rats out. the lurcher will kill rats but its the terriers job to me :thumbs:

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