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Moo take the blind fold off and go smell the coffee , bullx s are not the be all and end all only the chavs think like that

I dont own a bull cross so your away off the mark but do own dog that will do anything an alaunt will do and a lot more but if you think that they heavy block headed curs are the business you craic on fella ....

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Like the look of them

cracking looking dogs, sorry for my ignorance but do yous use them as a running dog or just to cross with grey hounds, or are they an end of dig dog, or a guard dog??

why wasnt this line used 30 years ago to start the strong dog x greyhound and instead they used something else that had been proven over and over again.   now this seems just to be a fad that wont g

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this one was ma mates it died young way cancer. it was starting to turn out to be a handy dog.P5100011-1.jpg

great pic brigg and a bet the bitch hardly got marked of them

hes a dug scotty hes the brother of zena. that came of my bitch but shes daed now she got ran over chaseing a deer.

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whats that sixth generation now no more mastif blood added only first cross bull grey so what have we here a bull grey type that produce dogs throwing back to the strong gene of the mastif in alot of the l heavier ones masquerading under the old term of heavy hunting dogs of bygone days alaunt poppy cock select the lighter ones that work cull the heavy ones and perhaps in 30 odd yrs or so yall have a line breeding true ta type because what i have seen here in this thread his old fashioned type mastiffs and bull grey types thats me done theres no convincing me any different

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well halty old fella if you bull xs are working for you then iam happy for you but don t get blinkered theres other stuff out there just as good if not better, last year i put a EBTbased lurcher over scarlet one of my alauntes and the offspring were very pleaseing still a bit young to say there world class but there looking very promising 1219843563.jpgscarlet

Why would anyone mess about breeding EBT lurchers? Again breeding from untested animals? Don't tell me, the EBT that was used was well tested & a game animal? What about the rest of the line, show dogs? Seem to me like you're breeding shite to shite & hoping for the best. Just my opinion but whatever's said about the Alaunt x's I'm sure better could've been gained in a lot shorter a time with a decent line of bull.

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Its apparent that even the owners of these dogs know that the addition of mastiff to a bull/grey was a bad idea, as they always breed it out again! The ONLY thing gained was bulk! but what was lost, was speed, agility and importantly for me, jaw power.


The mastiff brought quality of bone...in time the speed and agility has been put back.There is no lack of jaw power only someone who has not seen a good Alaunt would say that....But saying that my bullx bitch is allot faster than my alaunt thats why i have her...not for everyone but alot of fun and make there owner's happy.

Im not going to say there beter than this and that because there are good and bad in all type's... there alot better mastiff type than we see waltzing round the show ring today so thats got to be a good thing.


you say 'only someone who has not seen a good alaunt would say that there is a lack of jaw power'' I say bollocks, only someone who does nothing more testing than the odd fox would say that!! Any little old mutt can slay foxes feckin easy. bulls have stronger jaws than mastiffs, by adding mastiff you are weakening the jaw even though it looks like a superficially stronger animal.

so what was the reason to add the mastiff? ''quality of bone'' you say? what was wrong with a bull greys bone before adding the mastiff? nothing Id say!

You 'think' they have better quality of bone simply because they have thicker legs? but in reality their bulk is nothing but a hinderance.

but il agree, they ARE a better type than the pure mastiffs at ringside today, however there will be a reason why the running mastiff became extinct in the first place wont there? perhaps its because there were better dogs to hand?

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If any old mutt can take fox why are you going on about jaw power..how much jaw power do you need??

The thing is these dogs are not realy suited for hunting in the UK...take them to the US other countrys and i think they would shine.

So yes i agree there are more suited type's to are quarry in this country...but still why not run them give em a go..if they do the job then cool.Nothing lost as i said there no better than whats already out there just a differant type to enjoy thats all nothing more.If you dont like them you dont run one thats that.I enjoy watching my lad work so im happy.I dont want to be better than anyone else just enjoy what i have. :thumbs:

of course any old mutt can slay a fox! they are no test to a strong dog fool. :thumbdown:

Why would they shine in the USA ? feral pigs? yes I reckon they would work the feral pigs ok, but if you wanted you could test them all you want in this small island, why did you buy yours if you didnt have a job for it?

mate, i dont like to knock anothers pride and joy, as its me that gets called blinkered. If the mastiff blooded dogs were better than the good line bred bull/greys we have I would be the first to sing their praises, but their not.

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The thing is these dogs are not realy suited for hunting in the UK...take them to the US other countrys and i think they would shine.


If they shined here there would be all kinds of boys using them but facts are there are not. Our serious hog hunters use cur dogs to bay up hogs and bulldogs to catch em. You might be able to find internet sites out there that say they are breeding this or that to catch hogs with but facts are folks over here that are good at what they do use curs and bulldogs and thats it. All this exotic breed bullshit is just that, its bullshit. Dont get me wronge I've seen a few of these other breeds and I'm sure they work here and there but you get em cut down a few times and I promise you they will go to singin.

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well said halty but of course theres standards and some people s are higher ya knows time tells and perhaps these folk trying to short cut and if they start working the animals seriously on things that bite back hard biting animals theyll find a thing a to out because if they do and when they do if ever they do they will start to realise the term dead game really means dont want to insult anyone not my style but some one or should i ssay some people need to get a grip

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