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A session with the Dylans


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Let me expand

Firstly I was late getting to Phantom, an hour to be exact due to work commitments :wallbash: We get there and the farmer was out just winding up for the day after tidying up his derelict farm, so there was no rabbits about. We got our gear together and split up, I was to cover the farm building area and Phantom covered 2 x 100yard long hedgerow/tree lined area stuffed with rabbits. I decided I wanted to get some footage with my digicam but couldn’t get on with it lyed down so after a wasted half hour with not a bunny in sight I put it away and went for a stroll with lamp attached. It didn’t help as the wind had dropped to a stand still and half a moon was out between the clouds, the stones under my feet crunched, mud squelched and to make it worse for some unknown reason my boots started to squeak with every footfall :doh: I managed a chance shot which missed by a margin (not very good freestanding, must practice more) :icon_redface: Walking a bit of a lane I picked out what I thought was a pair of red eyes about knee high about a hundred yards away at the tree line where Phantom was, I thought better of it when I thought it was his red miniature lamp so I settled down behind some piled up rubbish about 30 yards from a battered caravan which I know holds rabbits underneath, I even could hear them running around underneath it as I passed. I was in a kneeling position for about 10 minutes when I started to notice my shadow had cast in front of me, I realised that the clouds had opened up the moon to light up the whole area, cursing I got up to move and as I did I flicked on the lamp, the beam picked out a rabbit at 20 yards, I quickly raised the gun to my shoulder and had him in my sight as he made a run, he then suddenly stopped for a second as if he was unsure, enough for me to put the cross hair on his `what do ya ma call it` (Temple)and squeezed the trigger. A loud crack confirmed I had him proper as he just fell to the ground like a brick, without even a wave goodbye. I settled down again and waited ten more minutes when I heard rustling in the vegetation, I flicked on my lamp out of curiosity and saw long scaly tail about a foot long moving, `not one of them 2 foot rats surely I thought` a closer inspection calmed my beating heart as a huge hedgehog revealed itself, it had just stood on a bare stick whilst foraging ;) I moved on into the back garden, leaves rustling under my feet gave me away as I attempted 2 more shots at rabbits from a distance to no avail, the final shot of the night secured me an empty crisp packet(well it did shine like a pair of eyes :yes: Back at the car Phantom revealed he managed to get 2 or 3 shots off but failed to retrieve any :doh: He also confirmed that it wasn’t him at that end of the tree line :doh: (wondered what them eyes were then). Went and picked up the lone dead rabbit, it was obviously a well placed shot through the crown of its head out the other side :tongue2: any way heading home down the lane we scanned the fields with the lamp and picked out a deer a fox and a few more bunnies up the hedgerows.

Well not the best of nights, you can’t always have it your own way, 5 shots, 3 missed, 1 very dead rabbit and a crisp packet.

Heres to hunting



We’ll be back

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Hey Guy's,


I didn't think it was rubbish; well apart from the fact that I know I got two clean kills and a thud told me I had a body shot :thumbdown: I hate ranging in the dark, especially over unfamiliar land!


My first shot was that thumper horrible sound :(

Second shot was at the far end near the second tree line. The loud Crack and the flying jewel told me it was a deffinate kill :boogie: Problem with it was that it was followed by a splash, I couldn't retrieve it as the stream had severely steep sides and as it had been raining, I didn't fancy slipping down and not being able to get back up :no:


My third shot that connected was another loud crack and a leap to the side. Could I find the darn thing in the stubble :no:


Had a few other shots that were clean misses again due to ranging difficulties or more truthfully ranging errors on my part :icon_redface:


I also saw a red lamp in the vicinity that Dillan mentioned :blink: I thought it was him :icon_eek:

One of the best parts about being out there though for me was listening to the Owls, I heard a Fox bark and we saw dear and a wise old Fox that had the sense to leg it once he was lit up.


Over in the area tha I was there were a lot of Oak Trees and what was obviously a bird calling, it sounded like a screaching sound, I'm wondering if it was a Jay :hmm: perhaps one day I will get to see one after all :D


When we went to pick up Dillan's bunny I was surprised at how large it was its head seemed massive and the killshot was obvious, Lovely standing shot Dillan :notworthy: superbly placed :victory:


The most rubbish part of the night was the dead crisp packet :11:


Again Dillan, thank you Sir for allowing me to tag along :boogie:



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HI lads,


Its not all about the full game bag.


Sometimes just being with a friend and sharing the hunting gossip is nice too.


WEll done again Dillan for getting Tony out with you buddy :notworthy:



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Hi Tony and Dillan.



Great write up's guy's.


Just as Si say's, it's not all about the body count.


That myterious red lamp may have been "Garry Linaker"....was proberbly watching you two WALKERS :laugh::doh:


Have a slut each for the crisp packet :laugh:







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Talking of the red lamp, it was more of a small red light without the beam I put my beam on and off it a few times expecting Toni to signal back to confirm it was him then it vanished, after the session we went to have a look to see if it was a red reflector on a post but nothing was there :icon_eek: , I think it was too low for a deer then again I have only seen them with shiny white eyes, do badgers show red eyes when lit up with red lamps :hmm:


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