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How many pups that dont catch first time lamping ?

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I cant wait till my pup catches its first rabbit on the lamp

i am holding him back till he is 12 months old

i have been training him on the lamp and all the other, sit, stay, retrieve, recall.

He is 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy he is now over 10 months and i am anxious to get him going

although i am going to wait for 12 months.

he was out ferreting last week and he held rabbit in the net that bolted.


when the time comes i will take him on a nice dark gusty night, and try him on a

couple of squatters, fingers crossed..

As any body been out on first outing and their pup never caught

as you don,t read of many on here,PS i do not know about loading pictures onto computer

as said in previous post..

All the best for this season everyone..

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plenty dont catch first time out, but I doubt many will admit that.

When you first go out personally if the dog caught the 1st rabbit I would go straight home with the dog on a high, its all a learning curve for the youngsters , and no matter what anyone says their dogs dont catch every rabbit but lamping is addictive and a great sport, get out there and enjoy yourself

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I cant wait till my pup catches its first rabbit on the lamp

i am holding him back till he is 12 months old

i have been training him on the lamp and all the other, sit, stay, retrieve, recall.

He is 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy he is now over 10 months and i am anxious to get him going

although i am going to wait for 12 months.

he was out ferreting last week and he held rabbit in the net that bolted.


when the time comes i will take him on a nice dark gusty night, and try him on a

couple of squatters, fingers crossed..

As any body been out on first outing and their pup never caught

as you don,t read of many on here,PS i do not know about loading pictures onto computer

as said in previous post..

All the best for this season everyone..

My current lurcher's the only one I've ever had that caught on it's first run. My best dog to date had several blank outings before catching, and I ended up having ten good seasons before retiring him.

Sounds as if you're doing everything right and I'm sure he'll be catching like a good un real soon.

All the best for the season.

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just started mine he's just over twelve months, he missed his first two or three slips, more down to my error than his though. and our land has been hammered so theyre well shy and not far from cover. he has had one on each of the last three trips out though, just letting him have one and leave it there. but my mates collie whippet has been out with us everytime and hasnt had one on the lamp yet from as many slips as mine, but has had two in the daytime. every missed rabbit shouldteach them something though, he is already slowing down when he's on them, to start with he was more like a train.

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My lurcher caught on his first night out, 1 slip, 1 rabbit, perfect live to hand retrieve . . . . . . . . . i repeated it for 2 nights, i was SO pleased, thinking i had the worlds best dog . . . . night 3 . . . . It was like carry on lamping!! There was all manor of wildlife breaking out of every cover, streaking across fields, dog was full tilt, striking at anything, tripping up, recall became nil and void, returned 20 mins later a fizzing, quivering, drooling mess!! . . . i was absolutely gutted!! :laugh:


Its all a learning curve, even now sometimes when i take him out and he will have shocking night, its like he totally forgets what he has to do! :doh:


It great fun watching them mature though, and realise what they are meant to do. Best of luck with your pup. :thumbs:

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I start mine in good shape at 12 months on the lamp and make there life as easy as posible. I also start there second season off the same and never had a problem with a dog not giving 100%. Keep her winning early on and ul have a winner for life!!

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i also have this x ,she is doing the hour here and there with the ferrets at the moment,would 12 mths be the typical age to start on the lamp or is it just preference?cheers......john:thumbs:

Just my preference john, but all though it will not be fully mature at 12 months,

i am noticing with each passing week he is becoming more settled and more intelligent

thinking more about, for instance, the other night while training him on lamp,

instead of just running him for a retrieve on rabbit fur dummy that he could quite clearly see

i placed dummy in some grass making it harder for him to see, and walked onto it with the PSS PSS to gee him up, and i had lamp focused straight on dummy, and am now just feet away, but the brightness at this distance

blurred the dummy, and he didnt spot it,so i shone the lamp about a foot to the right,

then he spotted it, and he nearly took my arm off as i had him on a slip,,

something i also learn,t that night.. PS thanks for reply,s fellas.

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Have a dog bred same way and about the same age and yes hes missed his 1st few bunnies (on a daytime mooch yesterday), overshot 1 on a turn which quickly made it to cover, ran one lovely turned it away from fence, oh ya beauty hes gonna nail it thinks me...dissapears from under his nose down a hole, whilst hes trotting back to me he spots something in distance and goes off, half a dozen bunnies go in different directions straight into heavy cover he trys his best to run them all...lol, I call him back and decide thats enough excitement for him for one day. On the positive side, Im confident he will catch sooner rather than l8tr, an to be fair to him the ground was difficult with lots of gorse, thorn bushes, ragwort and fearn, not the place to start a young dog really but I had heard that there was a few bunnies there so went to take a look. Bumped into the crofting clerk whist i was there and discussed the rabbit problem there, its open grazing land covering a few acres ( altho no livestock on it) and he was explaining that the whole area is undermined with warrens (his jcb sank up to its axles in some big old tubes) and that if you come out early morning or evening the place is over run with bunnies, Ive never seen so many holes in one area. Hes going to cut back a lot of the cover a little later in the year and he gave me permission to hunt there anytime and its only 30 miles up the road :)

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