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Cool video- PigHunting in NZ, 1948.

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just checked in to the "drug store" - this great online tv channel


this has just been put up yesterday- hunting in the good old days






Taranaki Pig Hunting (1948): Farmers go on a pig hunt in the backblocks of Taranaki after losing 100 lambs to wild pigs in a week. Once they cross the Upper Waitara River they enter extremely remote country where pigs breed freely. A bounty of one shilling is paid for each snout and tail. The hunters quarter their pigs and load up with 50lbs each for the long trip home.

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just checked in to the "drug store" - this great online tv channel


this has just been put up yesterday- hunting in the good old days






Taranaki Pig Hunting (1948): Farmers go on a pig hunt in the backblocks of Taranaki after losing 100 lambs to wild pigs in a week. Once they cross the Upper Waitara River they enter extremely remote country where pigs breed freely. A bounty of one shilling is paid for each snout and tail. The hunters quarter their pigs and load up with 50lbs each for the long trip home.

Good viewing! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope Judge 2010 see's this! he'l probably have a heart attack! collies bailing pigs, and not a Kangal in sight! :icon_eek::laugh: lol only messing judgey

Thanks for sharing the vid mate, good to see the old ones. :thumbs:



no worries boss- glad you enjoyed it

there are a few good videos on that site - check em

just got back in from great fishing trip to raro tonga- 2 tuna and 2 mahimahi - stoking !

will post pics soon

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