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Border terrier

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Two border terrier pups for sale one dog and one bitch the dog pup was born without a tail but is 100% fit and healthy. Dog £150 bitch £250 kc registered and from working stock. Based in the north east.

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Two border terrier pups for sale one dog and one bitch the dog pup was born without a tail but is 100% fit and healthy. Dog £150 bitch £250 kc registered and from working stock. Based in the north east.

Strange that .a friend had a litter of borders last year one of them was born with a short tail looked like it had been docked the right length
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money money money, this dog has a genetic fault the bitch will carry the fault, as if the border doesn't have enough problems, can't you just give them to mates make sure there not breed from! at least you could see if they work.. there again some people will sell on any old shit money money money



I'd keep away from these freaks going to cost you down the line, no good to start a line or add to a line, and lots of vet bills

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